indicators/hazzards doing my head in please help
(In Topic #148084)
Settling In

indicators/hazzards doing my head in please help
Settling In

Let me know how you get on pal!
Settling In

indicator problems

Old Timer

If mine fails again, and I find the fault before it 'self heals' I'll certainly advise.
Have either of you had an alarm fitted that could be doing this?, many installations of the time are those 'scotchlock' connectors, which are pretty poor.
Settled In

Settling In

indicator nightmare
Settled In

alternatively take the hazard light switch out too and give the contacts a good clean.
its the troubles of a car 20 years old, things start to corrode / moisture ingress over time can cause some funny little quirks.
here for a good time, not a long time
Settling In

Old Timer


Old Timer

Next issue I blew the fuse that feeds the individual blue/black wire that connects onto the rear of the hazard switch. Exact same symptoms as lennyb. Changed fuse and all worked fine. But this may give a steer towards where the issues are, the hazard switch has a separate bulb, multiplug connector and an individual uninsulated spade.
Also, these symptoms also occur when my immobiliser is 'unset', which I assume kills one of the main power feeds from the ignition barrel.
Point to this?, I had to change my ignition barrel last year as it burnt out and gave the same symptoms of half bright when indicator in 'off' position and full constant bright light when attempting to indicate either right or left.
A few pointers in the lengthy explanation above. But in the meantime, mine is working.
Check that loose spade for the rear of the hazards, if it touches the chassis you'll lose a fuse, possibly third one from the right hand side.
Settling In

indicator nightmare
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