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indicate and the headlight comes on


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indicate and the headlight comes on

hows that then??

left indicator left headlight and the same the other side, at least it makes it obvious!!

rebuild in progress....


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Does the indicator come on as well? Does the headlamp "flash" or is it permanently on?

Sounds like a bad earth / connection. I have been having all sorts of electrical issues and it turns out to be dodgy connections between the main blocks at the end of the looms and the fusebox.

I solved it (for now) by getting a small screwdriver and bending the terminals inside the blocks so that they make a better contact with the fusebox pins….

Don't know if this will help your issue but could be worth a try. If I remember correctly the headlamps & indicators are on block C - could be wrong on that one though…

Megasquirted 1981 Silver 1600 GTI Daily Driver

Still Restoring...


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Hi Cabriaulait

This makes some sense to me.  If you turn the ignition OFF and position the indicator stalk to either left or right, the parking lights on the side indicated should illuminate - front and rear.

My guess is that it is not the headlamp that is coming on when you indicate but the front parking light which is housed (as you know) in with the headlamp.

If this is the case you have a chance of tracing the problem - my guess would be damp weather causing a short across the indicator and parking light circuits.

No idea where to start looking however - you'll need a wiring diagram and a multimeter and I'd start at the front …

Not much help I know but might be a start.



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Try spraying a shed load of WD40 over the connector blocks at the rear of the lights, it sounds like water may have caused some corrosion causing contacts where there should be none.
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