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Heater pipe under dash


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Heater pipe under dash

Hey all,

Just changed the heater matrix on my mk1 (will be putting a guide up with pics soon :)) and I noticed that coming from the above the heater matrix there is a plastic pipe which I presume feeds to the vent on the driver side but on the passenger side I have the bit above the matrix but no pipe coming off it, surely that isn't right is it?

I've not driven the car for a while so I can't remember if I ever had hot air coming out of the passenger vent

Thanks in advance for your help, I'll get pics if needed




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I thought that pipe only fed the center vents.   In the Cabriolets no heat goes to the side vents….only the center.


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Finally got round to installing ETKA on my work computer and found this.. Kind of answered my own question

numbers 16, 18 and 20 are for RHD and numbers 15, 17 and 19 are for LHD cars


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Sorry to hijack thread briefly - ETKA where do I install this from?
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