Front indicators wont work!!
(In Topic #153585)
Settled In

Just replaced my dash loom, can't seem to get front indicators working!! Checked all the bulbs, fuse no4 and 19 are fine. Replaced the hazard light switch, which works as it should, just without front indicators yet when you activate the indicacators from the stalk, the rear indicators work but it's faster than it should be and the fronts don't work. I'm stumped. Pretty much the final hurdle (hopefully) before i can mot it for the first time in years. Any suggestions anyone?
Settled In

Earth at the claw? Not sure which colour wire is earth but find out and run a wire from bulb to battery -ve. If they work you no it's earth issue.
Settled In

Thanks mate, i've just been out, it is indeed an earth issue, did as you said and they worked perfectly. Does this mean i should be looking to find an earth somewhere tracking back from the blue and black wires on the indicator and take it to the -ve battery terminal? All the earth's by the fuse box appear to be in good shape. Sorry my electrical knowledge is awful and the wiring in the engine bay is tricky to see what's going to where on the lighting side of things. Thanks again.
Old Timer

would this also work for sidelights to check the earth? (sorry to sort of high-jack your thread there TERRIBLEONE)Highwaystar said
Earth at the claw? Not sure which colour wire is earth but find out and run a wire from bulb to battery -ve. If they work you no it's earth issue.
'83 formel e
Settled In

ned_h said
would this also work for sidelights to check the earth? (sorry to sort of high-jack your thread there TERRIBLEONE)Highwaystar said
Earth at the claw? Not sure which colour wire is earth but find out and run a wire from bulb to battery -ve. If they work you no it's earth issue.
Yes same principle
Old Timer

okay cheers mate, thought it probably was
'83 formel e
Settled In

If u had loom out maybe missed an earth? A wire to be screwed to body? If stuck you can run a new earth to battery 've- The claw or the body but try and keep your wire's tidy
Settled In

Highwaystar said
If u had loom out maybe missed an earth? A wire to be screwed to body? If stuck you can run a new earth to battery 've- The claw or the body but try and keep your wire's tidy
Hello mate. Any idea what point i should take an additional earth from? I held the temporary wire on the blue wired terminal of the drivers side indicator but there's not really any way of tapping in to it. The passenger side appears to have an earth attached to the indicators bulb holder. I guess i should trace it's path and clean up its end/ take it to the -ve terminal and hope this is the offender? I'll take a look in the daylight tomorrow, i'm sure it'll be straight forward enough. Thanks again. Ben.
Settled In

I think only one is earthed and you've found it. Plain sailing from here my boy
Settled In

Sorted it!! Turns out in my bid to declutter the wiring some months back i thought i would take the -ve terminal for the drivers side indicator and hide it amongst some other wiring and then wrap it all up for winter in black tape. I must of assumed it was a terminal for the spotlights which i've now taken out. Earthed it to the body and all works perfectly. Thanks for your help highwaystar.
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