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Fast answer required pleeeeeese :) None start mk1!


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Fast answer required pleeeeeese :) None start mk1!

Howdy all
gota take the mk1 to a show tomoz but the darn thing wont start!
Took out the points yesterday to replace them and ever since this it wont start!
Been checking thru the components and when ignition is on, usually if you part the points there is a spark…but this isnt happening!
The little green wire from the coil is very warm (well, the female end onto the condenser is anywho!)
Ive done nothing to the car other than change the points!
Help :D
Thanks guys

Jesus is my airbag!


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not wishing to ask if you know how to suck eggs, but have you gapped the points correctly?


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Make sure you've got them insulated properly, otherwise they will short out and no spark


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yeah their all gapped up correctly :D
Was playing with the car yesterday, left it for a minute and returned to find the coil smoking and dripping with…well i dont know what it was but i guess thats the reason why there is no spark!
Anyone have a clue as to why it would do this?

Jesus is my airbag!
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