Dash loom trouble.
(In Topic #148352)
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Dash loom trouble.

This is the wiring at the rear of the headlight switch and it fried all the way down to the cigarette lighter area. Before i drove it, i noticed the wipers weren't moving and my concern is that i may have left the stalk on burning out the motor/wiring but not sure if i did or not. The wiring to the motor looks fine and all fuses are in tact. Any ideas on what i should be looking out for? Or is this the likely cause? Also i found a random brown wire near my headlight which i think was probably an earth to the fog lights which have now been removed, i randomly earthed this to the body, not sure if i should of done now, could this have any adverse effect? Any ideas as to what the problem may or may not be; gratefully received. The dash is now out and i can add more pictures if it helps? Thanks in advance.
Settled In

Dash loom trouble.

Should i remove it?
Other points to note, there is another connector inside the black tape, which again i think must be for the spotlights and also, i accidentally snipped a black wire whilst cutting a cable tie off but i fixed it back together with bullet connectors and wrapped it in the tape. Probably irrelevant, but i thought i'd throw in all the factors that may have changed since it was last on the road (two years ago). Other than this, i have changed the battery cable and starter motor….

Have i done anything wrong there? All red wires on one connection, other than the spade connector?
Settled In

The blue/white wire is for illumination, so i'd replace this making sure there's no shorts and you should be okay!!
Hope this helps


Old Timer

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Dash loom trouble.
As for the wipers, i read on here somewhere, you can upgrade to a mk2/3 motor, so i may do this and grease up the spindles, hopefully that should sort it, they were shocking before they stopped working!
More lessons learned. Thanks again chaps!! Appreciated.
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