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 got a problem with my dash lights. Ie the ones which turn on to illuminate the dials when the lights are turned on. all the other warning lights etc work just fine.
 ive checked all the bulbs and they are fine, i have just fitted a new sitch so thats fine? where should i be looking next?
 could it just be a bad connection?
 Many thanks

1983 mk1 gti 2.0l 2e powered
newman cam
ported, polished, big valve 1.8 head
audi throttle body


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Dimmer switch above the light switch ? Could be faulty , spray with wd40 and give it a good clean then try again . I not look at rear wiring especially where the loom meets the instrument panel .



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just fitted a new switch to eliminate that from my enquiries, still no joy.
 plus when i turn my lights on it still illuminates the rear heated screen and rear fog switch which you can adjust the brightness with the dimmer, which makes me want to rule the actual switch out itself.
 just remembered that i have a spare set of dials at home, where the speedo and mfa were broken but the lights worked fine.
 so im gunna plug that one in and try the lights if they work then the fault must be with my current dials, but if they dont work then the fault must be in the wiring / connections somewhere along the line?
 hopefully that should narrow down the search!

 oh yeh, the connector which comes off the loom to the back of the dimmer switch has a small bulb in it. is this part of the circuit or is it purely to illuminate the switch itself?


1983 mk1 gti 2.0l 2e powered
newman cam
ported, polished, big valve 1.8 head
audi throttle body


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oh yeh, the connector which comes off the loom to the back of the dimmer switch has a small bulb in it. is this part of the circuit or is it purely to illuminate the switch itself?

Thats to illuminate the switch , looks like the dials panel or as you say wiring to it is to blame ! Good luck with it .



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ha ha!
found it!
 pluged in my old dials and they work fine!
so its my current dials that are to blame, and on closer inspection you can see that the contact for number one is worn away quite badly on the electrical ribbon.
 so for a test i have carefully placed a small line of tin foil over the contacts, pulled it in and hey presto it works!!

 obviously i dont want to keep a piece of foil in there, so would you think some electrical paint would do the job? ie the type of stuff you use when the filament breaks of you rear screen demister?

 hope so!

1983 mk1 gti 2.0l 2e powered
newman cam
ported, polished, big valve 1.8 head
audi throttle body


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I have this problem but on the top piece of the printed circuit where the bulbs enter the binnacle. I have solved this by placing some masking tape and making the connection fully.

Good luck!!



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Or see my fabbo new unused printed circuit on Ebay!!!!
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