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consul - ganuge wiring


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consul - ganuge wiring


I own a 87 cabrio that I own last moth

I have the three vdo gauges in that consul but all the wiring was cut off

Where I supposed to  install each one of them?

2. BAR  (???) WHAT IS THAT ??
3.oil cels

wher is the correct point in the engine ?




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volt measures the battery voltage
bar is oil pressure you will need the right sender unit for the engine
oil cels is oil temp you may already have the sender if its a gti

try here for wiring
VDO Performance Instruments


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But no, this is not GTI, this is a GL 1987, cabrio, with engine RE (carburetor )

The gauges are original - so all the sender supposed to be in that car - I just don't know where to look ?



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how do you know the gauges are original? golfs have the holes in the console but most have a blank over, chances are someone put the gauges in after


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My brother own a same car - also karmann cabrio  edition, 87, 1600….. exactly the same car - and he has the same gauges

Bad luck to us - the wirers was also cut off - unbelievable…..

So we have two cars with the same questions 


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The oil temperature and pressure senders will be located on the engine block, so you need to look there for a start.

The volt meter can run from any ignition feed from the battery.

But you may not have the senders on the engines, you have two cars that have non-functioning gauges, perhaps they're just for display from a previous owner.


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