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brake lights probs


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brake lights probs

hi, my first post i think, this is a great forum, not actually needed to post since ive bought my mk1 as ive found out evrything from searching.

 anyway, my bake lights.
 i have to paress my foot very hard on the pedal to get them to come on, much harder than normal driving, i'm suspecting they would only come on in a sharp stop at high speed so its pretty dangerous at the moment.
 my sportline cab had a switch on the pedal, but i cant find it on this one, its an 83 gti.
 how do i go about curing this problem,
 thanks for any help.


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83Gti switch is on the master cylinder ,usually 2 are fitted . Change the brake fluid adjust the rear brakes manually . Give the brake system a good service   this will improve them and the pedal travel , it works on pressure so the better thay are the better the switch operation if you no what i mean


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