caddy mk1 fuel tank where to get one
(In Topic #171629)
Settling In

caddy resto looking for fuel tank
hi folks not been on the forum for a while ,got my campaign resto finished,purchased a caddy looking for a fuel tank or even info on where to get one? were they made just for the caddy ? any info would be appreciated thanks all

Old Timer

Hi mate- Fuel tankls were Caddy specific.
I think VW Heritage had them and also Just Caddys
I think VW Heritage had them and also Just Caddys

1987 Caddy 1.6Turbo Diesel-GTD 
Instagram: Cavscp

Instagram: Cavscp
Settling In

thanks mate ive been on vw heritage cant see it on their site.i haven't tried just caddys will have a look.maybe if I locate the part no I can use the classicsearch on heritages site?
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