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My Resignation As Chairman


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Dear All,

I've been pondering on this for a few months now. Needless to say it's been like a pendulum swinging from 'Yes' to 'No' depending on a number of things!

I joined the club 10 years ago when there were very few members and the forum was pretty quiet! I was 'promoted' to Moderator on 27/2/06 and then to Chairman (the first time) on 29/10/08 and then on 7/7/12.
I've helped organise 6 AGM's, 5 NEC's, 1 international road rally to Germany, regional show stands, mediated during disputes with members - and companies and everything that goes along the way.
The teamwork that the Committee guys and girls have shown has been excellent, this place wouldn't run without them and their free time. I have REALLY enjoyed my time as a member of this small team and it's with a tinge of sadness that I intend to step down as Chairman.
The transformation that the club has gone through over the years from the forum re-vamp to the better organised AGM's and increased membership numbers (nearly at the 1000 Paid Member mark!!) and the all encompassing Facebook site (now at 6000 members!!) is massive. I'm not a technical person, I can't write code but I do know a decent site when I come across one! Some sites you just wouldn't want to return to, ours is vibrant and current and a place that people want to return to. That is down to YOU guys who post on the forum and keep the place moving by introducing new topics all the time.
The merchandise that we offer is way ahead of what we had when I joined the team.
We promote ourselves very well at shows and events since the purchase of new gazebos and uniform flags & banners for the various regions. They really do maximise our impact over other clubs and it showed last year when we won lots of trophies.

Recently, my job/ workload has increased to the point where, out of a team of 5 there was only myself to take on the daily cases. That's lead to fatigue and me not wanting to log on and view the sites content because I've done enough reading and computer work by the end of the day. I feel that by not logging on and discussing business in the Committee Section then I'm failing to lead by example when I fail to suggest new ideas and strategies. (I hope that doesn't sound tooo corporate!!)
Home life is hectic too. I moved house at New Year and my daughter is growing up and we need to do more things together. I know that I'm trying to cram too much into my life at present and I also know when to say 'Enough is enough'.

I would like to see out the AGM this year but after that I'd like to stand down. The thought of continuing to the NEC would be a step too far. When I started on the Committee I had more time to devote to it's running. Life has changed and so have my commitments. I'm not going to say that I'll never return but for now I need a break.

I would like to nominate jellybelly for my succession. Please can I have a seconder?

Also, should you wish to stand as Chairman you will need to be a Paid Member of the club for at least 6 months and have displayed a good degree of commitment towards the club. 

Thanks, Dan


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Hi Dano,

We've only met once briefly at last years AGM so there is no favouritism going on here, but I would like to say many thanks for all of yours and the committees continued hard work, juggling the daily strains of life is never easy. Good luck for all you decide to do, JB is a great choice.



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Dano you've been a great chairman and your were more than helpful to me in the past.
I would be happy to second you in proposing jellybelly if he is interested in the chairmans job.

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Really sorry to hear this Dano. I'm sure it's been a hard decision to make. See you at the AGM for sure. 


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We all know and love dan on the committee and I know you guys and girls do too, the job Dan has done for our club in beyond belief.  He's been such a stalwart and the backbone of the club and indeed with the running of the club.

So from me and the rest of your committee we wish you well and not to take your time in the inevitable return !!

Jellybelly you get my nod too !

Cheers, Dave.



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Couldn't agree more Dave!

Dan, it's been a pleasure :thumbs:



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Dano I know what you mean with the work load, as in your day job its only going to get worse, then to come home and juggle the club with family life.

All the best, I'm sure you'll always be a Mk 1er


GTI Campaign Helios Blue, Going back Standard
GTI Campaign Schwartz Black shouldn't have sold
GTI Mk7 Performance pack Daily drive
Polo 1.4sel Sunset Orange The Wife's
Triumph Tiger


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Good luck for the future mate and thanks for everything you've done for the club. Hope you see you about still in the MK1 scene.



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dan, youve been a great chairman and an asset to the club, its a shame to see you step down buddy but i know home life has to come first.

whoever takes control is gonna have big shoes to fill

i would vote for matt (jellybelly) i think he would do a fantastic job, see yall at agm, since your steping down are you buying the beers??

 ;)  :thumbs:




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Must be a tough decision after everything you've put in so far O_o Good luck for the future and see you at the AGM :thumbs:Andy. :cool:


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I know this would not have been an easy decision for you, and as we have discussed before its is and absolute nightmare when workload is so hectic you cant even log on etc.

I would like to thank you for all you commitment and help over the years, I look forward to having some beers at the AGM!

If jellybelly was to consider the role I also he think he would be a great man for the job. In fact anyone on the committee would, as we have a great great team on the MK1 OC we should all be proud of.



SOUTHWEST Regional Host. Bristol Meet - 1st Friday of the month - Toby Carvery Bradely Stoke Bristol Bristol Region Facebook Group


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Just to echo what others have said really. Dano has and is a great chairman to the club. Believe it or not he was the last to leave the AGM field last year. He waited till everyone had departed (apart from me) and I convoyed with him up the M6. I have really enjoyed his company on many of my mk1 missions and excursions. Look forward to a chat at this years AGM.  :thumbs:

Thanks for your commitment to the club.

Cheers Hugh. - vw golf parts and genuine accessories!



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Dano, thanks for all the time and commitment you have put into the running and organising of club business  :thumbs:
By the sound of it, life away from the club is now demanding a more proportional share of your free time and rightly so. 
Step back out of the limelight Dano, but never doubt that your efforts for this club, this car and it's members will not be forgotten or diluted in time  :thumbs:

Thanks Dan

Last edit: by GAMMYGOLFGTI


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Dan - we'll only let you step down if you promise not to be a stranger here afterwards  :thumbs:

Seriously, thanks for everything, you've made a very positive impression on the club that will last many years to come  :cool:

Best wishes



1983 MK1 Golf GTI Campaign Model - Under (looooong) resto!
1962 Rover P4 80
2002 BMW 745i
2008 BMW Z4 2.5Si


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I cant say anything else than whats already been said. Dan you have a been a great asset to the club and will be missed

i accept my nomination to be the chairman :)



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You've done more than enough for this club over the years.
Having been on the committee I saw first hand the effort that you put into the club and those shiny black boots will take some filling!
 Now push off and let someone else have a go! :lol:  :thumbs:


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Thanks for your efforts to the club over the years, You were  probably one of the first person I spoke to at the 06 agm at Gaydon. Now that's a long time ago ……..

We've judged modified cars together which I know you hated, but we had a laugh.

Good luck, you will be missed.

Unfortunately I won't be at this years AGM but I'm sure I will see you soon

JB you get my vote

1979 mk1 Golf Gti (Dan)
1983 mk1 Golf gti G60 (little-un)

1991 mk2 Golf Country Chrome Edition
2010 T5 Karmann Colorado

2012 mk6 Golf Tdi convertible
2018 VW Amarok V6 


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Dan, I've read what you and everyone else has to say on this subject.
To be honest I'm finding it very difficult to add something new to what has already been said.

You've been a magnificent Chairman in so many ways and by nominating jellybelly you've shown once again your true skills as a leader!

So enjoy your Family as much as you can and please don't be a stranger!  :thumbs:
All the very best to you and your Family.

Mike and Family.

Sent by a smartphone and not a smartperson!

Play Guess the Asking Price 'SEASON 4' as of Sunday the 29th of October 2017.


Ever wondered who's behind the scenes of this forum?


There's me building mine 28 years ago, almost finished!        
Be proud of your VW Golf Mk1, it's very special!


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Wish you well Dan! And hope you enjoy some well earned rest! And what an AGM to stand down at, the big FOUR- ZERO!  :thumbs:  :thumbs:

Volkswagen Golf LS (1981 X)   Austin Morris Mini HL (1981 X)  Honda Civic Type S CTDi (2009 59)   Mercedes-Benz 208D F & D Motorhome (1990 G)  Audi A2 SE (2001 X) Banner


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Cheers everyone!  :thumbs:

I'm not going to fade away totally. Ill still do the local meets and runs out (hopefully!).
The only issue is time really. 

I'm keeping the car so I'll get to shows etc. 

Thanks for accepting the Chairman nomination Matt. I'll start. A new thread to cover nominations separately. 
Good luck!  :o
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