Fuel tank replacement

Old Timer

Fuel tank replacement
Powder coating because I’m lazy

I take the point though. Rattle cans and elbow grease could be done.
I will rattle can the servo as I can’t put that in the powder coaters. Same for calliper carriers etc.

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Old Timer

Fuel tank replacement
Digging through the shed for the parts to rebuild. Bits starting to arrive.

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Old Timer

Fuel tank replacement
Waiting for some bolts to arrive and then I can button up the shafts, discs calliper carriers. Size up the flexi hoses, then get the carriers blasted and coated.

By the way my office is now a mess and I need to tidy it tomorrow.
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Old Timer

Fuel tank replacement
Mk4 callipers have a completely different flexi hose set up.
Another £40 for the conversion hoses from mk2 golf to mk4 golf.
This rear beam is sucking up cash every day at the moment.

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Settled In

I would get a stainless steel tank…… gives you piece of mind albeit more expensive…..

Old Timer

Fuel tank replacement
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Settled In

I live in Northern Ireland so not sure in England.. Scotland or Wales…
I just looked up exhaust stainless steel pre fabricaters who can make them… basically you leave the car in.., they take off the exhaust make a new one and pop it on… or you could bring it to them…..and fix it yourself.
From memory price around the £350/450 mark but it's a life time job….
Good luck…,
Settled In

Settled In


Old Timer

Fuel tank arrived yesterday.
Arb, tank straps, axle mounting brackets, compensator bracket, tank heat shield and arb inner brackets all due back from the powder coaters next week. £65 to get them dipped, blasted and coated, so not bat at all in my opinion.
Not happy with brake line position but did a separate post and got some nice feedback on how to improve so that is this weekends job as well as doing a tidy up of the office and tools.

Old Timer

Fuel tank replacement

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Settled In


Old Timer

Fuel tank replacement
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Old Timer

Fuel tank replacement
Just waiting for the tank straps and some back order fuel hose before I can fit it. Next 2 weeks hopefully then my baby will be back on the road. (Until the next job)

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Old Timer

Fuel tank replacement
There is this sort of valve thing there. Do we know what it’s called or where to get a new one.
Thinking May as well change it while everything is off the car.

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Regional Host NE

Re: Fuel tank replacement
Backinblack said
So managed to get back at this for an hour. Took the breather pipes off which run up to the back of the filler neck.
There is this sort of valve thing there. Do we know what it’s called or where to get a new one.
Thinking May as well change it while everything is off the car.
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Gravity valve sits up near the top of the fuel filler neck small pipes one goes to the top of the fuel tank the other to the atmosphere
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Do not know a lot but willing to help if possible
1989 Sapphire Blue Mk1 Cabriolet KR
1985 Atlas Grey Mk2 GTI 2.0 ABF
1989 Sapphire Blue Mk1 Cabriolet KR
1985 Atlas Grey Mk2 GTI 2.0 ABF

Old Timer

Fuel tank replacement
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Old Timer

Fuel tank replacement
Held it the right way up and works fine.
Will spray the bracket and refit.
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Old Timer

Fuel tank replacement
Change the fuel tank - that’s the job here.
Compete rear axle refurb
Disc conversion
Servo replaced
Accumulator, pump and pipes.
Now this;

Inner sill
Outer sill
Chassis leg
Chassis mount
Gusset piece
All being ordered from heritage tomorrow.
Welder coming to give a quote.
Has to be done on the drive as no point fitting rear axle and fuel tank to be removed again.
Will I ever get it back on the road ?
Will I have any money left to put fuel in it

Panels are about £150
Welding. - I pray not too costly.
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Old Timer

Fuel tank replacement
Welding rather than be in a body shop.
Seen his work and to a very good standard. Will post pictures after tomorrow.
Waiting on the following to complete once the welding is done.
Accumulator to fuel line braded hose.
End clamps for anti roll bar
Master cylinder
Master cylinder tee pieces
Remaking the ridged pipes
Fitting the inlet manifold with mk2 throttle body.
Oh and refitting this little lot in the photo below.
Aiming to complete start of August if parts turn up by the end of the month.

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