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I don't seem to have the black section on the back of my clocks is that a issue? I also noticed the blue material don't go over the top. My click just goes on a white section what does this plug/part of the clock do?

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Clock help

What's the other plug I see on clocks it's green with like a black vacuum pipe off it. That for MFA?

Sent from my Pixel 8 using Tapatalk


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Terrymoyce87 said

What's the other plug I see on clocks it's green with like a black vacuum pipe off it. That for MFA?

Sent from my Pixel 8 using Tapatalk

Yes, for mpg in lcd.


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Clock help

Any help on this?

Are my clocks meant to light up when I turn the key?

Sent from my Pixel 8 using Tapatalk


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Terrymoyce87 said

Any help on this?

Are my clocks meant to light up when I turn the key?

Sent from my Pixel 8 using Tapatalk



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Clock help

Thank for that

Doesn't say much about this part. I don't have the black plastic bit or the blue wrap going over it.

Changed all my bulbs and they don't work still

Sent from my Pixel 8 using Tapatalk

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If you used LED bulb replacements, they are Polarity aware, and you may have them in backwards.

The Power for the lamps come in on the Gray/blue wire,
You may want to Verify that you have Voltage on that pin to pin 2 (brown) ground.

What do Divorces, Great Coffee, and Car Electrics all have in common?

They all start with GOOD Grounds.

Where are my DIY Links?
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