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Circlip for Speedo


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What size circlip is it after a quick purchase from a shop tomorrow

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N 900 154 01

Screen Shot 2025-03-08 at 4.24.38 PM.png

Probably find it at a Porsche or VW dealer.

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The part number is N90015401, apparently still available from VW. The parts diagram appears to suggest it is size 8, but I don't know what that refers to

1992 VW Scirocco GT II 1.8 90 PS 30k


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Circlip for Speedo

I fitted a M3 but too big and M2.5 too small snaps

I was hoping to try and get the part tomorrow but looks like I'll have to order online

Sent from my Pixel 8 using Tapatalk

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