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Alloy Wheel Refurbishment


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Hi All,

Can anyone recommend a good alloy wheel refurbishment place ideally in Leicester?




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Well it all depends on the condition of your rims.

Mine were not curb rashed at all, I took Aircraft Stripper and Painted them with that and let it work over night, yes the wheels were off the car and the frame was on stands. Use Protection as in Playtex Living Gloves, and Eye Protection.

After washing the Stripper clean, and a plastic scraper there were still a few areas that needed a double dose, and those areas got that.

After the clear coat and paint was gone I had pretty base aluminum.

I started off with 600 wet/dry paper and water with a battery drill and sanded them. Then 800, 1000, 1500, finally 2000.
Once rinsed, and dried I used metal polish and a buffer wheel….  They became really shiny and mirror like.

After that once a year it took but a quick going over with an SOS pad, and then re-polish.

Now it did take 2-3 hours of work per wheel, but it was better than the knackered look of the chipped clear coat and metallic paint that VW used over the Tear Drops.

Bad Light that day but here are my tears after the polish next to some Castellets that were polished as well.


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