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Swallowtail for sale...... (Now sold)


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Swallowtail for sale...... (Now sold)

yes really, its on ebay a yellow 75' golf n.  8O

if i hadnt just bought the 78 that would be mine, looks good.

<a> <img> </a>


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shhhhhhhh i got my eye on it, dont tell everyone :lol:


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Did anyone on here buy this car?

If I had a garage I'd have been sorely tempted to bid for it  :drool:


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Not sure, the guy that bought it i think had no feedback so could have been dodgy!! if it was genuine thats a serious bargain and im gutted


<a> <img> </a>


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onzlo said

Not sure, the guy that bought it i think had no feedback so could have been dodgy!! if it was genuine thats a serious bargain and im gutted


I know a lot of people who were watching it that thought it would go for strong money so didnt bid..
Plus the listing finished sunday afternoon, thats the worse time for listing something on ebay, Later sunday evenin would be better..


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Lawsy said

onzlo said

Not sure, the guy that bought it i think had no feedback so could have been dodgy!! if it was genuine thats a serious bargain and im gutted


I know a lot of people who were watching it that thought it would go for strong money so didnt bid..
Plus the listing finished sunday afternoon, thats the worse time for listing something on ebay, Later sunday evenin would be better..

You bid the amount you want to pay, if it goes for higher then it doesn't stop you bidding…that argument doesn't make sense. If you want the car you bid, if you don't want it you don't bid. Also, Sunday afternoon/evening is one of the best times to have an auction end. Can't really judge or assume someone is dodgy just because they are newly registered or don't have feedback either - its entirely possible that a potential buyer never used eBay before and registered simply to bid on that car (given its rarity).



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paul_c said

You bid the amount you want to pay, if it goes for higher then it doesn't stop you bidding…that argument doesn't make sense. If you want the car you bid, if you don't want it you don't bid. Also, Sunday afternoon/evening is one of the best times to have an auction end. Can't really judge or assume someone is dodgy just because they are newly registered or don't have feedback either - its entirely possible that a potential buyer never used eBay before and registered simply to bid on that car (given its rarity).

depends on how you look at it Paul, in fact teh listing finished at 8.22 sunday morning, which in itself is daft.. the biggest audience on ebay is normally at night, I have a sellers feedback of over 1500 so i know what works on ebay!!!

As to bidding if you want etc, then most people with half an ounce of sense dont bid on day 1 of the auction, they will wait till the dying seconds and try tograb or bargain, those with a littlemore sense use a sniping site and get a last 3 second bid in

I agree with low feedback tho as everyone got to start somewhere, it does get a lot of people thinking tho, was it a dodgy bid, did the seller set up another account in a bid to increase the final sale price?? it will always remain an unknown  :dontknow:  :dontknow:


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Lawsy said

did the seller set up another account in a bid to increase the final sale price?? it will always remain an unknown  :dontknow:  :dontknow:

Unless he is a member on this site…..

I guess if we see it relisted, we'll all know the sale fell through; and then those interested will have another chance to buy the car.



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I've received this PM from the seller, the car is now sold:

LuckyGti said

Hi, I hope you dont mind me PMing you but I cant post a reply on the swallowtail for sale thread, I'm not special  :cry:  It was my yellow Golf that sold on ebay, I was hoping that it wasnt a genuine buyer so I could keep him but its now living with a nice family in Newbury, Berks they have taken it of the road to totally restore it and said they will be showing it next year. I'm pretty gutted that I've sold it now but at least it will now get the love it needs. Cheers Kerry



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newbury, just down the road from me…

Hopefuly i'll see it soon

Hope they were passed the website details on as well
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