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Possible MK1 1.3 Driver


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Possible MK1 1.3 Driver


Sorry for the "My be for sale" option i know we all hate these posts!

But, looking on the wanted ads for cars there are a lot of guys after shells or smaller projects. So i'm offering this up.

I have a solid looking Gold "A" plate 1.3 Driver with no sunroof and a full black GTi interior.

I was looking to sell it around this time last year but it failed the MOT on a couple of small things and more importantly welding on the rearsill ends/rear beam mounts. It had sat around for a year and not been driven and looks like the rust got hold in this area. Used to be a daily driver for two years and sailled through MOT's.

Anyway, i stripped out the rear beam and cut out the rot and have repaired all the welding that needed doing underneath. Time is never a thing a seem to have a lot of lately so before i get on with the rest of the MOT bits i may shift it as it is.
 I had a lot of interest around the ?700/?800 mark as an MOT'd car and personally i would normally never think of selling a car without an MOT but i need space and time to put into my Campain. So i'm considering offers on this.
PM me for images and more info, It needs a new filler neck,an outer C/V boot and a rear brake cylinder all of which are in the boot waiting to be fitted. It needs a metal brake pipe on the front replacing and new rear rubber hoses before the beam goes back on.

Cheers Dom…………


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PICS! :mrgreen:

1983 Golf 1.3 Driver:  


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Yeah sorry i did that in a bit of a hurry, i'll try and get some pics up soon.



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Just a couple to give you the idea of what the car is like.

BBS "RA's" are nolonger on it. its running the standard 13" steels.

Ta  Dom……….


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Some more for the pic junkies out there!!

The interior was put together with the best bits out of three cars so its fair to say its more than just a shell on offer here. Some of the pics show how good the general areas of the car are like the inner boot pic and the inner wings inside the engine bay.
 I spent over 18mths looking for a solid three door shell without a sunroof to use as my project car but the Campain came up while i was collecting engine parts for this car, but i only have time for one project really. not easy finding a non sunroof model that some body didn't go and put a glass sunroof back in the 80's!!

More pics…………..

Cheers Dom………….


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Can you pm me a rough idea of price mate, am fairly local (and could come collect it ASAP)


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PM's sent guys.

Cheers Dom………..


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no pm received :dontknow:

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