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Mk1 1 1600i GTi, 1982 Y reg.


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starting bid seems abit high for the work that needs to be done


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Don't bid then, I'm not letting it go for peanuts, it can stay here.
If anyone comes to see it they will find out exactly what it's like.
I've just tried to describe it fairly, perhaps I should have bumed it up a bit as I've seen rust buckets with no MOT make ?1500. on E-bay.



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Sorry Pete, but I have to agree with Alex - and the rest of the mk1 hunting community in the UK.
0 bids must tell you that the price is way too high for the car.
Also, is the engine original as i thought the later ones should have the 1800 in.

With the faults mentioned, the car would have to be very local to me to get me interested and about 1000 would be my limit.
Good cars keenly priced will get people to travel.
Not trying to be argumentative here, just offering a constructive comment from a prospective buyer.


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Why not put it on for a penny with a reserve of ?1500, then at least you'll get an idea of how much people are prepared to bid for it, and if it only gets to ?800 then at leats you know whats it 'worth' at the moment..

From experience, this gives you a better idea of what its worth and then maybe re-list ina  couple of weeks and asee what happens then


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Sorry I don't agree and I'm selling it, as I said it can stay here.
I've seen 'minters' advertised here that you can see grass through the floor pan.
This is a good honest car and ?1500. is no money for it, the 1600 is original which you would know if you did your homework and looked at the transitional features of the interior. 101,000 with original service book and loads of stamps.
I won't waste peoples time with reserve prices, I want ?1500 or I'll keep it.
The bloke who bought my Clipper came from Scotland for it as was well pleased because the car was better than I'd described it.
With respect, I don't need advice on how to sell a car.


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Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 7:42 pm    huw169
I'd be happy to pay ?1500 to get something with an MOT and some tax and enjoy it before I find any big holes in the chassis.


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Pete_Richards said

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 7:42 pm    huw169
I'd be happy to pay ?1500 to get something with an MOT and some tax and enjoy it before I find any big holes in the chassis.

Probably put off by the dodgy brake lines, no 1st gear and no indicators though? They're not costly to sort out, and make the car usable for the next owner - so I'd have invested in fixing these issues then sold it with only the cosmetic defects. But, its your decision at the end of the day and its your car, so I respect that.



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That's probably correct Paul, if I hadn't mentioned the brake lines though how many would notice?
If you're going to buy a 25 year old car it's not going to be perfect, unless top dollar, and you will have to spend some money on it.
I still maintain you'd find it very hard to buy a car this good for ?1000.


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Exactly Paul! All good comments.

Pete - I stand by my quote, but yours needs work doing to get to that stage so why should I pay 1500 for it and potentially have to cover the cost of trailering it home??

It must be nice to have the space and extra money tied up in a car and not worry about it.
Good luck selling.


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im not trying to undermine your car selling abilities an if your going to be stubourn an say if it doesnt sell for what you want for it then it will stay with you, then maybe thats what will happen, i just though id advise you how better to sell it on ebay.

ps dont get your back up about what people say therr just trying to help


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huw169 said

Exactly Paul! All good comments.

Pete - I stand by my quote, but yours needs work doing to get to that stage so why should I pay 1500 for it and potentially have to cover the cost of trailering it home??

It must be nice to have the space and extra money tied up in a car and not worry about it.
Good luck selling.

The car needs no work to get to the level you suggest and is being driven weekly.


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alexHxC said

im not trying to undermine your car selling abilities an if your going to be stubourn an say if it doesnt sell for what you want for it then it will stay with you, then maybe thats what will happen, i just though id advise you how better to sell it on ebay.

ps dont get your back up about what people say therr just trying to help

Thanks Alex but the car has been advertised for a total of seven days at present and there are 25 people watching it on E-bay. As I said, having sold plenty of cars in my time from Porsche to mini's I don't need advice on how to advertise or sell a car.
What does get my back up is when keyboard warriors try to tell me how much a car is worth from a few photos and a breif description. I fully expect whoever buys this to come and have a look and make their wn mind up.
Last time I checked this was the sales section, not the debate section so if you don't want to buy the car why coment on the price? You can do that in general terms in one of the other sections.
Do you even own a Mk1 Golf Alex? I've checked a few of your posts and can't find any pics of your GTi?


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Keyboard warrior my arse!!

No first gear and driven daily you say - whats that doing to the clutch??
Indicators packed up you say - not road legal then??

Don't get me wrong, if a car seems realistically priced from the description then I will travel to look at it. But I'm not spending money & time to go look at overprices cars with a 'hope' that i may be able to get the car for what it's worth - been there already!

However, the way you have come back with your 'knee jerk' reaction to a little advice on a public forum has shown your true colours and painted you in a bad light.
I just hope you are having an 'off' day and not like this all the time.

Best of luck with the sale, i'll not be soiling your thread with any more of my 'keyboard warrior' posts.

Oh, and what does it matter if Alex has a mk1 or not?
He may be looking like me.

Another free bump for you……………. :roll:


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Cheers, I hope you both get the chance to put your balls on the table and own a Mk1 Gti one day.


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why else would i be looking in the sales section? maybe to buy a gti? ive looked at a fair few that have been in better condition mechanically than yours go for alot cheaper. i can send you pictures of the cars if you like.

stop bein an arogant twat


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Yeah OK mate, now jog on.
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