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Removing arches?


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Removing arches?

just wondering how you remove the gti plastic arch extensions on the driver?? cheers j

and what do you think when i get the car sprayed, remove them for good or put them back on?


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arch removal

I recently removed mine with a grinder, removing the rusted screwheads. You might get lucky and remove a couple of screws with a cordless or impact screwdriver. Or drill them out. After that, simply pull them off.They don't usually have any sealant holding them on. It's up to you whether to put them back on - I did & I do think it looks better for it!! Depends on the overall look desired though. :)


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If you're Euro-ing though I would leave them off  :)


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If ur keeping the lower side strips then i would keep them on, if not leave them off, (my opion) :wink:

But its up to u :D


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think im guna remove the black sidestrip that goes all the way down the car and replace with a smooth one. remove the three pirelli style strips at the bottom of doors, wing quarters etc and think ill remove archs, could always put them back on if needed cant i!!


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Remove, remove, remove!!!

 :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:


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Hi mate,
    I had the same problem a couple of weeks ago and tried grinding, drilling and unscrewing the screws of which none worked. I found the best method was to hammer a flat head srewdriver with the head resting between the screw head and washer. This loosens the screws up slightly and they can then be undone with a screwdriver or pliers. I would keep them or sell them on ebay as I think a set is around ?45.00.


MK1 GTI Cabrio
Ford Mondeo (Daily drive)
Nissan 350z GT Coupe (the toy)


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Al nice motor mate, im speechless, looks awesome. did you weld up all the holes along the body where the strip sat? and how much where ur bumpers mate they look sweet!! i discovered when i took my gti bumpers off that 22 years of corrosion has hidden behind the plastic bumpers. the steel support that goes behind the bumpers is shot to shit, rot and rust has taken over?so dilemma should i replace these, if so where can i get the supports without the actual plastic bumper from or shall i get the lil chromed bumpers like Al's?



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You can still get new black bumpers from

 Car Parts & Spares -- Buy Online with Fast UK Delivery | GSF Car Parts

About ?35.00 each ISH ? they have all the supports with them . Chromed bumpers like Al's are fetching silly money at the moment , i have seen upwards of ?600 for a mint original set



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Re: yer

Dub_Driver said

Al nice motor mate, im speechless, looks awesome. did you weld up all the holes along the body where the strip sat?

Thank you…

No - I didn't weld them, I fibreglassed over the rear of the holes then used a small amount of filler from the front. Easier to return to standard trims if I ever decide to  :wink:

As Chudd said - You can buy complete Plastic bumpers from GSF.
If you like the chrome, then either be prepared to pay about ?500 for a set or wait a year for them to "Go out of fashion". Every bugger will be getting rid of them for the next "in" look!

PS - I didn't pay that much for mine cos I'm tight!
A lot of searching and two years later, I managed to get all the bits together for about ?135… :mrgreen:


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well its fair to say im damn well well hacked off!! took the rear arch off to repair the rear end lil bump only to find that your canmt really call it an arch, the lip of the arch is no more!!!! so im guessing all four are the same, im gutted. so looks like the project maybe getting broken? i cant see how i can repair this, it would need our arches welded on? looks like 22years of water has got behind the arches and proper rusted em, so anyone after any parts, of a 1983 1.3 driver, in azure blue, 97,000 miles on the clock, totally standard!! j


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sorry about the swearing ive jkust been working solid on the car for a week to find that, anyway has anybody had to do a repair like this on the arches, or had the repair done in a garage? i really wana keep this project going!


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Hello mate, get some pics on as i've recently taken the plastic arches of my gti cab and there is loads of rust etc, I'm grinding and rebuilding them bit by bit with fibre glass and filler - using a mesh for any biggies. Get some photos on and we'll have a look as the plastic arches don't need to be screwed on once you're finished they can be glued etc!

Don't give up on the project yet! I'm exactly the same - but am absolutely determined to restore my baby to it's original glory and nothing will deter me!

Heads up!


MK1 GTI Cabrio
Ford Mondeo (Daily drive)
Nissan 350z GT Coupe (the toy)


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Arches are easily replaced but you need to get the welder out and get your self to you local Hadrian stockist for panels to replace the rot .
Search the site and you will find loads of info on the subject , loads of us have replaced rusty arches . Also search and buy the restoration guide to the Mk1 golf there is plenty of info on arch replacement and loads of other usefull info .

You have to remember that your car is OLD and rust can be everywhere unseen until MOT time or when you start to poke about . So check the whole car using the buyers guide on this site just in case your rusty arches are just the tip of the iceberg and its rearly not worth doing .

What about some pics of the rust ? And the car ?

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