Aftermarket Sunroof
(In Topic #72759)

Aftermarket Sunroof
Local Hero

You can change the roof !! all of it to get rid but you need a donor car and a skilled body shop to take the work on . I have seen pics on the old site dealing with this . You can try to remove and weld the hole up but distortion usually reasults and your left with a bent roof . Added to this is the 150 EURO cost of a new headling and you soon begin to wonder is it worth it ?
Stick with it ? And face the fact that your car was one of the 80's in things . Or do as i have done and chop it all out and fit a webasto full sliding roof . Or buy a cabriolet ?
Above all good luck

Local Hero

Is your glass one leaking? If so easiest option would be to trawl scrappies for a decent condition glass sunroof to swap into yours. Think they came in some standardish sizes? Never been a fan of the glass sunroof though, look a bit cheap and surely devalue the car a bit. My C has one that was fitted at the dealer when sold new - someone cut a hole in the roof of a brand spanking new MK1 8O .
1981 1600 GTI (coming to a road near you soon…)
1983 1100 C
1983 1100 C

Local Hero

1981 1600 GTI (coming to a road near you soon…)
1983 1100 C
1983 1100 C
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