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Starting issues, k jet settings possible?


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Looking for some advise on setting up a k jet metering unit. Recently swapped in a 16v lump into my cabby. bought lots of bits and bobs from ebay etc. long story short the car started and ran a few times all be it very lumpy, assumed it was the co mixture needing adjusting so had a fiddle with the screw as in wound it all the way in and all the way out. turns out it was a set of leaking injectors that i bought from ebay and had filled the engine up with petrol. after fixing that issue the engine will not start tried to turning the screw 1/4 of a turn a time got a cough once but no starting. need an idea of a base setting or should i buy another unit?


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if you fiddled with the co screw its a case of trial and error im afraid with the co and idle screws till you can get it going. there is no 'base' settign that i know of

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This diagram might help you to understand what you have done !!

See the little screw head in the center of the diagram on the arm connected to the control plunger - turning that determines how much fuel flows to the injectors for a given of airflow - so you can get it as bad as fuel flowing for no air !!

As rubjohnny says it is trial and error - you could try removing the boot and manually lifting the flap and trying to start as this might give you a better idea as to how far out the control plunger is.




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That's kind of what i thought, i'll keep going with it then and see what happens. i've been lent a k jet manual as well so i'll see what that throws up. Thanks for your help.
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