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Speedo needle jumps up and down under around 30 mph


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Speedo needle jumps up and down under around 30 mph


Have a small problem with my speedo although it doesn't affect the running of the car, but up to about 30 mph the speedo needle jumps up and down by about 5/10 mph. Once over about 30 mph it does not do this. I think it could need a replacement cable but rather than doing this straight away wondered if it could be something else. Any ideas would be great.


1983 Cabby Gti All White Edition


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yeah i would try cable first, if its not that then its the dash! make sure you swap the circlip off the end of the old cable before you fit the gear otherwise it'll fall off into the gearbox. and take care when pullign old cable out so as not to catch the gear and pop it off

Hello my name is John and I'm a dub addict.

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Excellent cheers John

1983 Cabby Gti All White Edition


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Dan did this sort the issue I have the same problem.


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Not had a chance yet, kinda bottom of the list at the moment on my things to do as it doesn't bother me too much but will let you know when I have got round to it to see if it works.


1983 Cabby Gti All White Edition


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My money would be on worn diff bearings.


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Don't say that. Although depends on what the bearings cost as won't cost anything to fit.


1983 Cabby Gti All White Edition


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I wouldn't worry about it, mines done it since I bought her nearly 3 years ago and it hasn't afftected how it drives.


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i seriously doubt it would be worn diff bearings. besides, the speedo isnt even run off the diff its run from the output shaft!

my diff bearings were very worn and the car made a nasty clunk on/off power and the flanges wobbled all over the place. but speedo was absolutely fine.
another clue that all was not well was when i drained the oil, it was metallic brown :lol:

its going to be the cable, or the clocks.

Hello my name is John and I'm a dub addict.

My wiring diagrams and other documents have moved here:

VAG Documents & Downloads

You'll need to sign into google/gmail for the link to work! (its free!)


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Ceza said

I wouldn't worry about it, mines done it since I bought her nearly 3 years ago and it hasn't afftected how it drives.

Yeah its not detrimental I agree, but for me its a niggle I want sorted….I suppose I want to get it (the car) back to near perfect which is a near impossible in some respects but thats just me.
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