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overheating engine crisis HEEEELLLLLLPPPPPP


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overheating engine crisis HEEEELLLLLLPPPPPP

John would you kniow were all the earth tags are for the lighting circuit by any chance?


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all the earths join together in the loom, there should be a big crimp somewhere in there where all the separate earths are spliced into a main earth wire, this then is eaither spliced into the main battery earth wire or it runs to a spade behind the fusebox and earths to the battery earth terminal back there

Hello my name is John and I'm a dub addict.

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Ok now the car dont start!!! im getting spark to all four cylinders and iv'e checked that petrol is going in to the injectors at the metering head were they split of into the 4 individual outputs but not at the injectors. So why all of a sudden does my car not start??


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take the plugs out and sniff for petrol. if nothign you've lost fuel pressure at the metering head most likely. could be blocked filter or weak main pump, or buggered non-return valve in the pump outlet

Hello my name is John and I'm a dub addict.

My wiring diagrams and other documents have moved here:

VAG Documents & Downloads

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john the spark plugs r getting wet!! does that mean i could still have one or more of the above problems? iv'e tried Holts quick start and still no luck!!!


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oh and i do have pressure in all four cylinders about 145psi


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if fuels getting into the bores probably not a delivery problem, might be 5th inj is shorted? id disconnect that for now and see if it helps. if its been flooded though they can be a bugger to start! id whip all 4 plugs out clean n dry then leave it for a bit for the fuel to go away. same happened on a mates mk2 and best thing we did was just bugger off and stop fiddling with it for an hour or so :lol:

compression is good, 10bar is low end of factory new figures so no worries there

Hello my name is John and I'm a dub addict.

My wiring diagrams and other documents have moved here:

VAG Documents & Downloads

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