misfire Please help
(In Topic #88630)

Settling In

misfire Please help
When the engine warms up it ticks over pretty much normal at about 1000 rpm and revs up ok while stood still but just will not pull.
I'm wondering whether its something to do with vaccum advance
The only thing not changed is the coil
This happened over night well put it in garage one weekend and the next it had a job to start
Can any one help please???

Local Hero


Settling In

I think i'll change coil and plugs to eliminate them and take it from there and then thats all the ignition
Settling In

its very annoying i changed everything except coil but was getting sparks off all the plugs / leads so doubt its coil, i think mine is too much air!! it very annoying tho!!
if ya find the problem wud be kool if ya cud let me know and i will do the same for you!!
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