leaking water pump
(In Topic #75079)

Settled In

leaking water pump

1272 driver with a magic tree!!

Settled In

Might just risk it and carry a couple of litrs or water with me to top up… :dontknow:
oh yea and the water in the bottle has turned to a dark brown colour? i've only just flushed out the crappy old fluid and done it with new…
1272 driver with a magic tree!!

Local Hero

haven't done this job on a VW before but can't see why it would be any harder to do than the one's I've done (Mini and various F**ds)… Hours job max

Old Timer

Might just risk it and carry a couple of litrs or water with me to top up..
No way should you do that, an over heated engine is expensive to replace, take a Taxi ,catch a bus, don't cook it you'll never forgive yourself or your wallet.
Oil and water keeps the engine alive

PS Lots of cold water into a hot engine can also cause problems, extremes of tempeture etc
Golf GTI Cabriolet 1990 Helios Blue - gone
Audi A4 1.9TDI - Gone
Golf GTTDI MK5 140…..oooh quick….but not a MK1
Audi A4 1.9TDI - Gone

Golf GTTDI MK5 140…..oooh quick….but not a MK1

Settling In

Have fun

Local Hero


Settled In

After getting in the mood i had a bash today everything was going smoothly removed every bolt with ease then….came the last bolt holding it on to the block…needless to say i wasnt expecting it to come out, and guess what…the bolt head snapped off leaving me pretty f**ked

So what the hell do i do now!? why is the last bolt such a bitch of a job!? good job the hammer was only a rubber mallet, oohhhh i swear i could of took off some heads (gaskets) lol…see what i did there with the hammer and the head…..erm…TAXI!!!?
and relax

1272 driver with a magic tree!!

Old Timer

Low you might be brassed off but there is more than one way to skin a cat! (some ways just take longer than others

It's all good experience mate :wink:
I used to own a mk1 - well I've had 2 actually - YDU 720X & SMU 420Y. Currently I drive an 98 Scotia White Mitsubishi Evolution V RS…. fancy getting another mk1 someday


Settled In

Where the two bolts hold the top part of the pump(just under the altanator) its the 1 on the left sorry crap pic

1272 driver with a magic tree!!

Old Timer

Think if i was attepting it, I would remove all the timing belt cover and everything else thats in the way. Then I would try and get a drill in there.
If you cant get the old bolt out you could always re-tap it and use a oversize bolt providing there is room.
Good luck mate. Hope it all goes well. :pray:
I used to own a mk1 - well I've had 2 actually - YDU 720X & SMU 420Y. Currently I drive an 98 Scotia White Mitsubishi Evolution V RS…. fancy getting another mk1 someday


Settled In

it looks like alot of work, and its something i cant do, im totaly gutted, coz its something i cant afford to have done!
1272 driver with a magic tree!!

Settled In

1272 driver with a magic tree!!

Life Member


Settled In

at least i can crack on with the new pump now
no doubt i'll need your help regarding fitting it so keep your eyes peeled

1272 driver with a magic tree!!

Old Timer

Do you have a Haynes manual, I have if you get stuck can alway look it up for you.

Golf GTI Cabriolet 1990 Helios Blue - gone
Audi A4 1.9TDI - Gone
Golf GTTDI MK5 140…..oooh quick….but not a MK1
Audi A4 1.9TDI - Gone

Golf GTTDI MK5 140…..oooh quick….but not a MK1

Settling In


Settled In

Mine has three hose outlets, and the ones they had only had two!? they took the part numbers off mine but couldnt trace what it was from, i do know that my car had a 16v engine fitted some years back then been fitted back with a 1.6 so not sure if its a std mk1 1.6…
so….they have orderd 1 half of the pump and shall see if it can mate up with the other half tommorw
what a ball-ake

1272 driver with a magic tree!!
Settling In


Settled In

I've just snapped some more bolt heads, i fuckin knew this wouldnt be an easy job
the fuel pump needs to be seperated in half, and i've done three bolts again…
Can somebody sort me out with a new fuel pump same as mine? i'm not going back to the fkin garage and paying out another 30 squid to break the pump in half
This is pi55in me right off

1272 driver with a magic tree!!

Settled In

1272 driver with a magic tree!!
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