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Ignition firing order?


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Ignition firing order?

Hi all, recently purchased a mk1 gti, needs a bit of work, so starting with bits on the engine. The only thing is she has an EV engine in her (defiantly bottom end anyway, top??) out of a mk2, making it a bit of a mare ordering parts.

Anyways, looked at a few threads on here and found that the ignition firing order should be 1-3-4-2 clockwise, which is fine but from what I have read the 1st lead is the most northern near the head, well mine isn't its the furthest on the right??

Its still the same firing order but all shuffled round one? She seems to run ok, just thought it odd and if anyone could shed light on the matter, would she run at all if they were in the wrong place??

Have got a pic but not sure how to put it on here, where do I find image ULR?



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just a quick tip, you could try re-ordering your plug leads in the order that is right in the book, and make sure that the 1342 is correct in correlation with the distributor..

however, like you say, because its a different engine (or at least part of it is) it could be that the firing order has become different because thats best for the engine..

:dontknow: im probably not the best person to be giving you advice, but thats my opinion anyways.. hope this helps

1983 Golf 1.3 Driver:  


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Have got myself a haynes manual but cant find anything in there about which spark lead goes where on the distributor?  :dontknow:


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number 1 goes to about 1 o'clock on the dizzy,if you look there will be a small line in the dzzy, :dontknow:


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looking from the front of the engine straight on my number 1's at about 3 o'clock?
 Still can't work out the url for the pic  :banghead:


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greenhouse said

looking from the front of the engine straight on my number 1's at about 3 o'clock?
 Still can't work out the url for the pic  :banghead:
have you got a photobucket type account?no, get one it's  free,then upload pick,have photobucket and mk1 open,hover over the pic you want to post and you have options at the bottom one is the img code, click it  and then drag and drop to your post,if i can do it anybody can,
thats where mine 1  is


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 :D Thanks, finally did it! They say a picture speaks a thousand words, so now you can see what im on about


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I think your distributor is 180 degrees out. Mark it for timing position, pull it out and rotate the rotor arm through 180 degrees. Reverse the lead positions on the distributor of 1 and 4, and 2 and 3 and you should be okay.


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doesnt matter where the leads are, just as long as #1 lead is fitted where the rotor arm is pointing when the engine is lined up to TDC.

if it was wrong, it wouldnt run ;)

EV = DX block, just from a MK2 rather than MK1.  Its essentially exactly the same bottom end, only real difference is inlet points the wrong way.  Also if its a later one it may have hydralic tappets rather than solid, but that doesnt make much difference when ordering parts anyway

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