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HELP!!! This car is ruining my life!


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HELP!!! This car is ruining my life!

Can't get that spring bit to adjust by much if any…will persist!!!


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Meh…started sounded exceedingly slow…hopefully just the battery so now on charge.  Can't see how the battery's drained though as there's not been much going on with it…but fingers crossed that's all it is.  Spring didn't need much adjustment at all as I thought the narrowest bit was in a different place to where it turned out to be.  So now just the wait on the battery!!


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did it fire up?


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Battery has just literally finished charging...getting a roast set up and then go and try her :)


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That battery seems to go flat very quickly, has any of your corsa friends got any jump leads? Or can you borrow a battery?


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Haha I've got leads.  The battery's never been like this before (used in all day long to power things off a inverter with no problems) so I don't really know why.

And just tried…absolutely nothing.  I'm thinking it's flooded again from today's earlier effort.  Sparks out n all that jazz again and going to leave it 3 patient hours.


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I would get someone to help you with jump leads and do the foot to the floor method. If it tried to fire yesterday and you took your foot of in excitement maybe you should try again, at least with the jump leads the battery won't go flat.


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This is the good, the bad, the ugly…

SHE STARTED AGAIN :)…7bBYHHs8HZU&feature=g-upl

Had to keep throttle down, but eventually she idled at around 900rpm :D  This then started dropping as she warmed up a bit…

And then she started smoking…A LOT!!!…LcfX9v67tJc&feature=g-upl

It's hard to see as it's dark.  Now I know the last time I cleaned the engine bay this happened.  And I know it's a lot lot colder so the smoke would seem more.  I also know I've sprayed the injectors with wd-40 when I was planning on taking them out so this has to burn off.  But on closer inspection…and bare with my description…

right hand side of the inlet manifold there's what looks like a little outlet which was letting liquid out onto the manifold.  The idle also started getting lower and lower until it was about 100rpm and about to die, and I just turned her off.  Engine was not up to the first mark on the temperature gauge by the time this happened.

I also took the oil cap off off, n it was smelling slightly of petrol I think…but this can happen with the engine flooding if I'm right in thinking?  

One other thing was when she would settle at an idle and I'd rev her she'd misfire…but that would be ignition timing being out yeah?

Thank you so much for getting me this far ladies & gentlemen :)  the end is nye…hopefully!lol


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the back fire is bad ignition timing

the smoke could be from burning of whatever you have used to clean the engine

as to this liquid i'm not sure what that could be

you also have to bare in mind that if you've flooded this a lot then everything will be full of petrol and this will need to burn off and can cause smoke also



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Thanks Jelly. I just always worry of doing harm.  Especially as the idle dropped so so low.  Is this again ignition timing?

I'll get a photo of the area the drips were coming from once it's daylight…thinking about it, it may well be leaking from the rocker cover gasket as I didn't change the gasket after removing the cover a second time.  But daylight should reveal more anyway.


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get yourself a haynes maual as soon as  :D


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Starting to get some where :D


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You need a torque wrench as well.


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HAHA Hope you get it sorted today.


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Yeah thank you :D  Any ideas on the idle drop?  She's always had a slightly temperamental idle but it's never dropped below 500 like this.  Out on her in a bit so will have a look for that bit that looked liked liquid was coming from etc


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idle adjustment screw, check on here could be that pipe you changed? air blocks? read this


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Thanks.  I know about the idle adjustment etc, but it's just obviously if there's a drop of 800rpm then at some stage she either has to be 800rpm too high, or 800 rpm too low if that makes any sense.  But I'll have a good scout around today.  At the end of the day…she's a hell of a lot closer than any other time in the past 3 weeks :D


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Get her running and keep your foot on the pedal for a good ten minutes then see how it idles
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