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Engine cutting out, please help!


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Engine cutting out, please help!

Hi all,
I've got a 1983 MK1 gti, it runs very well but has developed a cutting out problem. When you drive the car for half an hour or so, it tends to cut out on right hend bends such as roundabouts. After a while, bumps in the road will cause it to cut out, then after that it will cut keep on cutting out constantly. It cuts out instantly, no tailing off and if you flick the ignition off then on again it will come back to life. Also, if you clutch it and let it stall, then let the clutch out again (bump start it) it goes again. Ive changed the whole ignition system (im talking about everything from the coil forward), the fuel pump relay, the fuel pump fuse, ive tried fiddling with the connections on the pump, and ive tried running a hot wire from the + side of the coil to the + battery terminal to rule out the ignition switch etc. As you can imagine i am seriously desperate as this is my daily car! Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appriciated.



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crudd in the fuel tank


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I don't think it is crud in the fuel tank because i just recently cleaned the filter in the pump itself, the accumulater and replaced the main fuel filter.



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I read about someone with a Jetta that had similar problems - he traced to an eroded distributor cap lead;

VW Jetta (

but it does sound like you've changed all these parts of the system already.

I've experienced crud in the tank making the car run slower - pushing the throttle down just made the engine stutter. The car (a diesel clio) would just about reach 50mph, no more. Changed the fuel filter - new car! You did say though that the car was running fine otherwise.

You said bumps in the road set it off. This suggests an electrical problem involving a loose contact.

I'd be inclined to check for crud in the tank - using a magnet on a stick - just in case. Making sure the tank isn't too full and that there are no ignition sources around (BOOM!  8O )

You've checked out the fuel pump - so that's not hanging loose and breaking the contacts.

Check also the battery earth - a mate with an Armstrong Siddeley Saphire  8)  had the battery lead come loose - which brought the car to a shuddering halt - if you've got a loose earth - this could produce the problem.

erm - at a bit of a loss otherwise. You in any trouble with the pixies? Dues all paid to the gremlin mafia?

As a last resort - sneak a peak at the moving parts of the airflow meter. The bearings on the arm carrying the airflow sensor plate might have worn - and the plate may be sticking in some part of its travel. I'm hypothesising wildly here, but if you've tried everything else…..

Ali Cabrio

Mars Red 1.8 GTi Cabrio 1985
Seat Covers
Leaky roof
1 million smiles per hour


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The running for ? hour before cutting out makes it sound like muck in the tank, or a massive vacuum, have you removed the cap and listened for a hiss? Could also be something electrical getting hot, coil,  fuel pump relay or connections in fusebox?

Mine misfires on large roundabouts when its run low on petrol, does it make any difference if the tank is full or empty?

1983 Mars Red 1.8 Golf GTI
1987 Alpine White 1.8 Clipper Cabriolet

The trouble with doing nothing is that you never know when you are finished.


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Problem solved!

Hi all,
I've fixed the problem with my car, it turned out that the fuel pump was knackered! When i put a pressure gauge on it the pressure dropped off as the engine stalled, even though the fuel pump was still running. I would of posted sooner but i was flat out getting the car ready for xtreme wheels show last weekend!
Thanks for your help guys!

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