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Anybody know what tappets this has?


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Anybody know what tappets this has?

Can you tell from these photos if it has mechanical or hydraulic tappets?


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Not got info re the nos, but my DX hyd tappets do not have the tappet bucket disc as your head appears to. That is so you can shim them to achieve the  correct clearances with correct disc shim. Haynes manual 1.18Engine refers, if you have one?



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Aren't you supposed to be able to tell from the shims? I thought if the shims have little notches in the side (for lifting out with a screwdriver) then you have mechanical tappets.

1983 Lhasa Green GTI


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i thought that too.


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That is a solid tappet head imo - can just make out the shim tops and the hydraulic head has one of the cam posts missing

Crazyquiff's Mk1 Golf Parts Emporium - you know you want to….


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I think your right, you can just make it out.

Looks like it has a pipe on the back of it for the air shroud set up for the injectors though. Normally a feature on cabbys not hatchbacks


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Its definitely a solid tappet head as crazyquiff says, you can see the tappet shims on the photos. :)


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thanks guys. next question is:

what engines will the camshaft in that fit?!  :dontknow:

thanks in advance!  :D

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