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watcha campers,

i'll just explain a little about the proiblem, the car has been running fine until the other day, i left it ticking over on the drive as usual to let it warm up.

after a little while i went back out there and it had cut out, popped the bonnet and everything was very hot, i tried to start it again but it wouldn't go, after about an hour i went out and decided to put it back in the garage, it started first time again.

now i'm not entirely sure what i should be looking for to diagnose the problem, i'm more of a bodywork person, not mechanical.

was it over heating? if yes why?

any ideas?  :dontknow:



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That's not a lot to go on really…

The only reason it would have cut out is if it had:

A - An intermittent fault, which caused it not to start again immediately.
B - Run out of fuel (but then it wouldn't have re-started)
C - Someone turned it off to tease you (but wouldn't explain the non restarting issue)
D - Something completely different!

I'd go with A. I had a similar problem with mine, years ago. It would cut out randomly and strand me only to start on the key a couple of hours later. Was the fuel pump relay in the end…


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first of all, thanks for the reply champ :D

AL_Mk1 said

That's not a lot to go on really…

i know sorry matey :oops:

as i said, i'm not the most mechanically minded person :lol:

if you tell me what you would like to know then i can explain it to you better, i read over what i typed originally and knew it wasn't much to go on but i really dont know what else to say. are there any bits and peices you would like me to check which might narrow it down a bit more? then get back to you about so that you can help me a little more?

let me know boss

thanks 8)


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It could be the AAV (auxiliary air valve). If this closes up (and reduces idling speed) before the engine is fully warm, then it could stall. Obviously the other thing is idle speed wrong anyway. Another possibility is fuel contamination, a piece of dirt could lodge in the fuel filter, disrupting flow enough to stop the engine. Then when it gets turned off-on the dirt falls away or moves within the filter, and the car runs again.



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PS its difficult to diagnose overheating simply by feeling the temperature, engines get hot when you leave them running but the rad fan should cope with this (in this weather too!). Did the water temp gauge go up? Past 3/4? Do you have an oil temperature gauge too?



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paul_c said

PS its difficult to diagnose overheating simply by feeling the temperature, engines get hot when you leave them running but the rad fan should cope with this (in this weather too!). Did the water temp gauge go up? Past 3/4? Do you have an oil temperature gauge too?

i dont know whether the water temp went up or not to be honest mate and i dont have a oil temp gauge, dont know where to get the senders from(if you know let me know and i'll get the debit card out  :wink: )


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Best of it happens again while you are in the car, so you know what happens, eg: cuts dead, or idle speed gets slower until it stalls etc.


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AL_Mk1 said

Best of it happens again while you are in the car, so you know what happens, eg: cuts dead, or idle speed gets slower until it stalls etc.

it starts to struggle with the revs then starts to splutter. revs go up and down randomly until it eventually cuts out.

this only starts to happen as the car warms up, the first 5-10 mins its fine.

it will then not restart for approx another hour


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c'mon people!!!!!!!!!!

the replies have stopped but the problem remains.

whoever helps me solve this will get a CURLY WURLY sent to them as a thankyou

now, i cant say fairer than that, there's actually a reward. when do you EVER see that happen??!?!?!?!?


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Sounds pretty much like a problem i'm having at the mo with my series 2 gti.  It'll run (idle) for aroung 10min then stall and not restart for a while, never overheating and fan working correctly.  So far I have renewed/elliminated the following: dodgy fuel, rusty fuel tank, fuel pump/relay/filters & all wiring, ignition, coil, plugs & leads.  

Next on the list will be fuel lines, injectors and AAV.  Not really thought much beyond that TBH, it's a car I rarely use, but i'll get to the bottom of it eventually, I always do.  All stemmed from a splutter I had on the M1 last summer, no symptoms for a while after, just went funny around the turn of the year.

We should keep each other updated, Although the probs could be something completely different, sounds like it could be the same thing.




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ew said

We should keep each other updated, Although the probs could be something completely different, sounds like it could be the same thing. :D

sounds like a good idea matey

i've felt crap all week so haen't touched or even looked at it. too depressing! :lol:

i've replaced

dizzy/leads/coil/metering head/fuel lines/ignition module/radiator

i think i'm definately going to go for the fuel tank next. are they difficult to get hold of or do eurocarparts do them?



p.s thanks for the reply  :wink:

p.p.s i know replacing the metering head is supposed to be a last resort swap thing but a vw garage did it for me after they advised that was definately the problem. which it obviously wasn't  :lol:


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Gsf do tanks…..29314 FUEL TANK  G1 F.Inj 6/76 >12/83  69.50  Or you could try for a good second hand one.

Don't know if you have, but have a good look inside the tank through the removeable panel under the rear seats, just to check it's clean or not.  A good sign of particle presence is to have a look at the fuel filters for bits caught by them.



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ew said

Gsf do tanks…..29314 FUEL TANK  G1 F.Inj 6/76 >12/83  69.50  Or you could try for a good second hand one.

look at the fuel filters for bits caught by them.

you're a diamond thanks for that one champ!

as for the fuel filters could you tell me how to access them both properly please? :oops:


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It might be your injectors? :dontknow:  have you done a flow test?

It could be runnining ok while the WUR is operating, though when this shuts down, you may not be getting enough fuel?


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AL_Mk1 said

It might be your injectors? :dontknow:  have you done a flow test?

It could be runnining ok while the WUR is operating, though when this shuts down, you may not be getting enough fuel?

 i'm really sorry, i feel so dumb but i dont know how to do that test matey :oops:

i read in another persons problem thread that it could be the injectors and it sounded kind of like my problem.

i wish someone who knew everything there is to know about the original engine lived near me!

how do i perform the test Al? (thanks for your help mate seriously, top dog champ  :wink: )


p.s thanks for the 2 links EW!!!


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If the problem occurs only during the warm-up period, it's definitely one of the following that's playing up;

  • Warm-up regulator (acts like a choke)
  • Auxiliary air valve (lets in extra air to give high idle during warm-up)
  • Cold start injector (gives extra fuel briefly at start up)
  • Thermo-time switch (operates WUR)

Unfortunately testing most of these requires specialist kit.

Once your Golf has warmed up (assuming it keeps running) how high is the idle?

If it's high (1500 rpm or higher) - I would suspect that the Aux Air Valve isn't closing properly. not sure how this would cause it to stall but hey…. that's the way it is with gremlins.

If it's normal, but the engine is reluctant during the warm-up period (which is what you say is happening) it's more like the warm-up regulator failing to operate correctly.

Might be worth taking the WUR off and giving it a thorough clean, then speaking nicely to it, treating it to dinner at the Ritz, then bolting it back on and seeing if the problem has gone away OR subsitute a working WUR from a mate's car/scrapped car and seeing what happens.

See also;

Amazingly ford capris used K Jetronic fuel injection as well…..

Ali Cabrio

PS - I luuuuuuuuuuurve curly wurlys.

Mars Red 1.8 GTi Cabrio 1985
Seat Covers
Leaky roof
1 million smiles per hour


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AliCabrio said

If the problem occurs only during the warm-up period,

Thats the thing - His warm up period is fine, it is after it is warm that it cuts out and then won't start unless left for an hour…


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AL_Mk1 said

Thats the thing - His warm up period is fine, it is after it is warm that it cuts out and then won't start unless left for an hour…

thats right Al

does this bring any ideas to mind Ali???
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