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Where do i start cleaning this weber car? PICS


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Where do i start cleaning this weber car? PICS

Guys just whipped my weber carb of my 1989 clipper. Any ideas where to look for this fuel bowl and access to blowing out the jets?



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u have to take the top half of using them 4 screws and split the carb completly into two halfs then u will see the float chamber and the bowl where the fuel will sit.

remember….dont smoke  :wink:

i always have the last laugh ;)

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Here is a pic inside my fuel bowl, there is no crud or flakes that i can see and there was no water at the bottom of the fuel that i could see.

How do i clean the jets from here, or where can i spray carb cleaner?


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any one know where do spray the carb cleaner?


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all in the float chamber,
remove them 4 brass screws that are the jets, but be carefull incase there is springs or ball barings under it, just make sure nothing shoots out.

once u remove them 4 brass jets make sure all the holes are clear.

i always have the last laugh ;)

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cheers simon, done that, they are all clear, there was no springs or anything. The middle two have loads of holes up the sides, which arwe also clear, how do you know if all the channels inside the block are clear?


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thats where u idealy nead an airline to blow down them, u live close to a garage? know any1 with one jst pop down ur local garage sure they wont mind blwoing it all out for u, if not just use loads of carb cleaber and blow down them with ur mouth if u can.

i always have the last laugh ;)

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cheers for all the help simon, ive got a compressor but no hose with it at mo so ive bolted it back on the car for now as its my daily runner.

Im not convinced its the cause of my cutting out problem which i have had for the last 4 months, cutting out randomly hot or cold sometimes on idle and sometimes driving and lose power and sounds nasty and hollowy, then pull over. Then starts few mins later. Annoying me alot.

Any ideas?


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have u got a hot air feed to the carb? could be carb iceing up?
sounds quite like the pierburg symptons when the fuel freezes in the carb.

have u go a k and n or is it standerd filter? make sure the hot air diverter is open if it is?

changed the fuel filter recently?
checkd the filler neck for rust?

i always have the last laugh ;)

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The weber carb has the original airbox fitted to it with the oil breather pipe fitted. Im not sure about the air flap in the original airbox pipe, shall i check that it is feeding from the cold start then?

I have checked the fuel filter because it is glass and is clean, also looked into the fuel tank and filler neck looks mint, reckon its new. and blown through all the fuel pipes all clear. Also the weber pre bowl filter was all clean so no restriction to the carb at all.

I have also replaced the dizzy cap leads plugs and rotor arm.

Any more suggestions most appreciated mate.




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ok, just check that the flap is open i would honestly make it so its open all the time, then in the summer just remove the air ducting from the exhaust manifold to a fresh air port. then reverrt it back to the manifold when the winter comes again.

ill have a think, and see if i can think of anything else.


i always have the last laugh ;)

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