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mk1 1.8 cabriolet cutting out in first gear/slow speeds


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mk1 1.8 cabriolet cutting out in first gear/slow speeds

My mark 1 golf clipper has recently started to cut out whenever I slow down and move into first or second gear.  The engine completely cuts out.  It starts up no problem but its getting harder to stop it cutting out in the first place, keeping the clutch pressed down before standstill sometimes helps to prevent the cut out.  

Has anybody had a similar problem or know what might be causing this?  The engine also makes a screeching noise when it first starts which has started to get worse and last for longer.  I'm not sure if these two problems might be related.

Any help would be much appreciated.


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screethc is problably a sticky starter motor, cut out might be carb icing. check the warm airt feed pipe is there, the metal shround round zaust manifold is intact and finally vac hoses to side of airbox to car all plugged in.
if all that checks out, make sure the warm air flap actually opens when the engine is running

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Screeching i think is the fan belt needs replacing or loose.
Simply remove fan belt and to determine wether bearing on water pump is faulty or the fan belt, remove belt completely, get women's tights and cut a small piece off enough to go around the bottom 2 pulleys, crank and water pump, start engine, if no noise it is the fan belt or alternator bearing.
Remove tights from bottom pulleys and start engine, don't worry it is only for approx 10 -20 secs so will not do any harm, see if noise is there again now you have no belt on any of pulleys, if there is noise again, it is likely to be water pump on way out, if no noise go back to fan belt bud.
Fit belt and tighten the belt up a little, but look for cracks on both sides of the belt where the gaps in between the teeth are, if bad cracks or missing teeth, change belt.
What carb you using bud original or weber ?
As suggested air pipes, but mainly depending if not done already, check the carb flange located between carb and inlet manifold as this if any damage i.e rips etc will cause the above mentioned cut outs
Pete :wink:
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