(In Topic #109466)

Settled In

I have been looking for answers to my coughing and spluttering engine (intermitently?!?!)
So far i have found out -
Vacuum pipes are all wrong
- Only one vacuum pipe leading to back of carb from top of air box
- Vac pipe from top of airbox to end of air box arm - totally missing!
- Servo vac pipes - Left output goes to distributor
- Right output has snapped off and is plugged with a screw!!
Fuel pipework is a mess too…
- Fuel pipe from tank goes straight to fuel pump
- Output from fuel pump goes straight to Carb
- Vapour Separator - loops out of the top and into the front right input of the separator
- Left output of separator goes to the Tank return pipe…
Is this a BAD mess….??? Should the car even run…will this cause my problem????
Please advice me….I am feeling quite upbeat having found all these problems…hopefully the car should drive like an F1 car when changed to how it should be.
It goes like the clappers when it wants to…but then coughs and splutters intermitently….
Cheers….sorry for the log post!

Local Hero

Pete :wink:

Settled In

Thanks Pete
Cheers again

Settled In


Local Hero

You have a weber 32/34dtml manual choke carb.
First of all i would suggest removing the carb, and give it a bloody good cleaning, keep carb upside down whilst you blast it with carb cleaner also using a soft bristle toothbrush to get into nooks and grannies.
Second, i think a new carb flange is in order, the black rubber part where oil is sitting, i think this is damanged and has a split somewhere on it, i will post link to show you.
Also vac piping is incorrect and again the link will show you excactly how-to it is easy so don't worry.
Also have you checked for rust in tank if not it will be there, have you replaced filler neck, again another link for easy tut will show you how, once you do all the above i am postitive you will be running again no problems, also make sure your timing is spot on.

Show you the carb flange

The Mk1 Golf Owners Club
Any further don't hesitate to ask

Settled In

Just a quick question….i can source the vac tubes, filters and extras easy enough…but where do i get the fuel vapour separator, and the servo vac assembly with the non-return valves??? (One of my Vac pipe attachments has broken off)
I also notice that the vac pipe from the servo pipe, to the carb also has a non-return valve…..where do i get one of these?
Sorry to ask so many questions….I just wnat to buy the lot, then get to work!!

Local Hero

If you read and look at my tut which i have already mentioned and you already replied:-
You will see it covers the servo pipe if you have one snapped.
Fuel vapour separators here:-
Pete :wink:

Settled In

Sorry.....getting a bot too keen!
I ask the question about the servo pipe….because i don't have the non-return valve pieve that goes to the Carb…..do i need one? Where would i get one? (GSF?)
Thanks for the link for the Fuel Separator…..about to buy!

Local Hero

It i there for a purpose, i have never had to replace one but you can try GSF if you wish
Best putting a thread in the WANTED SECTION for a replacement, they are same on mk1 mk2 golf's, jetta, caddy & Scirocco
Pete :wink:

Settled In

Quick Update
Work done so far -
- Corrected the fuel lines, and they now go through the Vapour Separator (they didn't before)
- Checked the fuel tank pick-up - Its completely clean
- Checked the Fuel tank - Its shiney and clean
- Corrected the vacuum system piping - added the T-piece to the back of the Webber carb, and connected the carb to the Servo pipe. I didn't have the non-return valve though, so opted for one of these non-return valves used in windscreen washer systems??? Not sure if it works or not??
Went for a drive and it seemed to be lumpy and grumbly!! Not a good sign! Started coughing and spluttering again too…..
so -
Went back under the bonnet to have a listen. There was a loud hissing sound coming from the Carb area. I leant on the carb and it stopped!!! Air seems to be getting in….
I checked all the bolts, and the rear bolt had obviously been overtightened and had pulled the thread off the base plate. No matter how much i turned the bolt the threaded shaft turned too….
Removed and added a new bolt and nut….tightened up….and much much better…the hissing has dramatically reduced.
Went for a spin and she drived great!!! Really great!!
Until…….I went donw a hill, and took a sharp turn up-hill and she conked out. Wouldn't hold any revs, and when i tried to pull away the engine just died!!!! How annoying……(When i left it for about 15 secs, then started the car again….it ran fine!?!?!?)
I think there is still air being sucked in, and have now ordered the Carb flange gasket…..should be here soon, and should completely stop the quiet hissing. Will let you know how i get on…..
Car does drive much much better….(when it finally cleares itself after about 15 seconds)
Hope this helps someone?

Local Hero

Anyway once you fit that you'll be running fine again
Pete :wink:

Settled In

A few more questions.....
Out of interest….a couple of questions..
- My fuel filter has fuel bubbling through it….is that right?
- The car runs ok, with the Choke out, and it seems to reduce the jumping…would this suggest that the losing of power, could be a dirty carb….it drives fine, then sucks some dirt in….which causes it to lose power….does the choke run through a different jet??? Its weird that the car pulls fine when using the choke?
Many thanks

Local Hero

BUT I think it is really due to the carb flange, 95% sure on it, get that fitted and all should be well.
If air leak in flange it will not run on idle correctly due to air being sucked in and messing up the vacuum
Pete :wink:

Settled In

In a weird way…its good to have a car that isn't running well….gives me a chance to really get to know her (if you know what i mean)
You've been a great help!!
I will give the post an update on any progress, and also when all fixed……on a lot of these forums, people asks questions for problems….but when the problem is fixed, they forget to post the final solution!
Flange gasket should be getting fitted some time next week…..

Settled In

ARGH!!!!! HELP!!!!
Just spent the last 2 hours fitting the flange gasket….
Just started the car and it is whistling even louder…..much much worse!
I have put a length of tube to my ear, and it is coming from the base of the new flange gasket!!!
Could i have not tightened the base bolts up enough? Do i need to add any kind of gasket lube etc etc…..
Can anyone shed any advice…..before i dismantle it again!!?!?!

Local Hero

Make sure the 4 nuts for the weber e are tighten down evenly, dont tighten one and then go round and do the rest.
I have always used a sealant as a gasket also on all my webers even thou some say your not suppose too, your not suppose to do 100mph on a motorway, but some people do, Never had a whistling or air leak during this
Never had an issue with doing other people webers and fitting them and not used any sealant
Pete :wink:

Settled In

Going to give the car to my tried and tested mechanic….before i break something!!
He's going to do the coil-overs too….
Thanks Pete!

Settled In

Do i need wires to my Carb?
I have read that there needs to be a wire for the heater or something….
and also an earth strap to the rocker cover????
Do i need these….if so…where do they connect from/ to?
Many thanks

Settled In

Problems were -
Car originally drived great….but then would suddenly cough and splutter…would not pull under load (but would happily rev freely when stationary!)
Car then developed a problem where it would not idle…and could only be driven with the choke out!
Heres what i had to do….
- Check fuel filler pipe - Mine was cooroded but not too bad
- Check Fuel tank - Mine was clean and clear
- Check fuel pick-up in the tank - Mine was clean and clear
- Check fuel pipes- Mine bypassed the Fuel vapour separator - NOW CORRECTED
- Check Vac pipes - Mine were virtually all missing - NOW CORRECTED
- New Webber Flange Gasket - Mine was sucking in air - NOW CORRECTED
- New non-return valve on Servo pipe to Carb - Mine was missing - NEW VALVE FITTED
- Check Air-Box Arm and pipes to front of angine and rear (warm air intake) - My pipe from the airbox arm to the rear of the engine bay has broken off - STILL NEEEDS TO BE CONNECTED
I am aware that people have made the same checks that i have, and the problem persists. I was very scared that after all my efforts the car would still jump, cough and splutter intermitently….but it doesn't…ITS FIXED!!
For anyone that still has the problem…..might be worth looking at replacing the NON-RETURN VALVE on the servo pipe to the carb.
I would imagine that poeple overlook this small item, and use their old one….just a thought…
Hope this helps people????
Many thanks to all the posts (and i've read them all!!!) and the people that helped me…..
If anyone wants some more info….feel free to call me 07595 595703

Local Hero

Another happy mk1 owner :wink:
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