Interesting carb fault please help
(In Topic #75710)

Interesting carb fault please help
I'm driving a Golf Clipper 1989 1800cc 8v which has a Pierberg 2e carb.
When it heats up from cold, the revs idle faster and faster until eventually it idles at over 3000rpm.
If I leave the car stationary, once fully warmed up (10 mins?) the revs will suddenly drop to the normal 800rpm and everything will be fine again.
If I then go for a fairly fast drive (which takes plenty of cold air in the front of the car) after a while the revs will switch up again and it will again idle over 3000. I am obviously noticing this problem moreso now as the weather is getting colder.
If I then park up for a few minutes with it revving at 3000 it will eventually drop again.
What could be causing this?
A mechanic had a quick look today and told me it's not the Waxstat.
I had a brand new automatic choke unit bolted onto the side of the carb recently so I don't suppose it's that.
If I park up and switch off when the revs are high I get run on. The engine chugs for ages after I've walked away from the bloomin' thing!
Another guy had a similar problem HERE and I was wondering whether mine's the same.
Many thanks for any help.

Local Hero


I'll get me 'ose today then. Might buy it from Ronnie Corbett's shop……
"Got any 'ose"?

Old Timer


I have had my electrical meter out this lunchtime.
The thermotime valve thing on the back of the carb has a broken wire.
Only the brown one is connected and no the yellow/black one.
Should the yellow/black have 12V (IGN)?
I guess the brown one approaches 12V as the engine warms up (signal from a sensor)?
Is this how the thermotime valve works?
I pulled the two hoses from the thermotime valve and my car idled high. I then blocked the hoses with my thumbs and the car idled perfectly.
It must be the broken cable then.
Can anybody confirm that the yellow/black cable should be connected to 12V (IGN)?
I don't seem to be able to find the other end of the cable if you see what I mean.
All I have is a trailing wire from the connector which plugs into the unit
Old Timer


87 Cab
Settling In

its a lot simpler !
just make sure ur heat risers are cleaned out when its done !

MOTY 2013

Get them wires fixed and it should be fine again

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