Changing the carb
(In Topic #82145)
Settling In

Changing the carb
Oh and if anyone knows of any for sale please let me know.
Settling In

Settling In

Your right about the Carbs, they were on Citroens and 309's have a look in the scarppie of save a search on ebay. I have seen these come up for about ?30.
1982 Golf Cabriolet GL SOLD!
2005 Renault Modus 1.5 DCi
2004 Renault Grand Scenic 1.9 DCi
1985 Land Rover 90 200Tdi
2005 Renault Modus 1.5 DCi
2004 Renault Grand Scenic 1.9 DCi
1985 Land Rover 90 200Tdi
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