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Convoy to AGM Sat Morning - Chesterfield/Sheffield Area/M1


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Convoy to AGM Sat Morning - Chesterfield/Sheffield Area/M1

Whos up for a convoy down to the AGM then?



Meet sat morning at 9am in chesterfield or 9.30ish at tibshelf services between jct 29&28

If you are coming along, please copy and paste yourself into the list on page 2 - so we know who we need to wait for at either chesterfield of tibshelf services


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Well ill be heading down from the northeast so if your meeting near the m1 id be up for it like



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sunny chesvegas is only a couple of miles down a bypass from jct 29, so im sure we can sort something out!


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Yea man count me in :-)

as long as your planning on getting there at a sensible time that is mate!


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What day mate? as cant go till satday mornin as only get a babysitter for that night.

It dunt fit


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Im going on sunday mate


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glad you started this thread ross. though a day/date of travel looks like it would've been an idea. :D

i'm up for a convoy. i think i'm going down on friday? saturday at the latest…

ash x


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lol :lol:  sorry!!

Probably going down sat morning, but might be tempted into going fri night  :dontknow:



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either is good for me ross.
i wanna be there and ready for the cruise at 2pm on sat.

ash x


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yeah snap, hows early sat morning suit you - say 9ish?


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I'd be up for it as me and the mrs wil be going down sat mornin.

It dunt fit


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9am sounds good to me ross.

we can meet in chesterfield, then maybe meet up with more folk on M1 at the services (i can't remember if tibshelf services are north or south of junc 29???)

what do ya think?
(maybe edit the title of this thread to include start time and day, now we've decided)

ash x


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Hey Guys was just going to post up to see if anyone wanted to go in convoy. We will tag on with you guys if thats ok? I think meeting at the services on the M1 is prob best place to meet.  

Will put a post on regional meets page to see if anyone else from our way is coming. Will Pm a couple of guys to see who else is coming.


Yorkshire Region Host

Mk1 Cabriolet 1500 (under resto)



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we're heading down on friday afternoon, so shall see you guys on saturday

1983 Polo CL - daily

1984 Golf G60 Syncro - sold

1989 Rallye Golf - sold

1992 Corrado G60 - crushed

1989 Polo C - chopped and crushed

1991 309 Style - crushed


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Im going on sunday so no convoy for me..... :-(


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sounds like a plan to me ash, edited subject and 1st post to include details.

Yes your right, tibshelf services is bang inbetween jct 29&28.

Could maybe do with a list of names and numbers so we dont leave anyone behind in the deep dark depths of tibshelf!!??



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nice one ross.
so are we still meeting at 9am in town, then arrange to meet anyone not from town at tibshelf services at 9:30am?

assuming this i've started the list. :)

chesterfield 0900hrs:

1. rossirvine (ross)
2. dope_as (ash)

tibshelf services M1 0930hrs:

1. littlerolf (kim and chris)
2. bigand daft (?)

anyone else? please copy and paste your self onto the list.


ash x


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yup sounds good to me ash, where do you want to meet? hows about the maccy d's at the roundabout at the bottom of the A617 where the cinema is?  We can grab a maccy d's breakfast!!



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we can meet in the cinema/Mcdougals cark park at 0900, i'll have breakfast at home though. :)

ash x


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so will I  :D  Im just a sucker for double sausage n egg muffin meals!!! :oops:
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