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AGM 2011


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AGM 2011


That got you looking didn't it!!!  :lol:

We've been thinking about the Friday night and how to bring people together.

We will 'probably' use Uttoxeter again so the club house will be in play. What I was wondering was how would a Mk1 Golf quiz go down?

Would you like the idea and if so you'd better get you thinking caps on for questions (and answers - to me), photographs could be included of specific parts, actual parts could be brought in to look and feel (no gearboxes - they would be a bit obvious!!) but things like that could make for an interesting evening.

I'm thinking regional teams but limited to say 6 people so Midlands & Milton Keynes would have to enter 2/3 teams if everyone wanted to play for example. Dubboy would have to go on his own and have a handycap!  :wink:

If there's enough of an interest I may get a email address set up for question and answer submissions to be mailed through to me. That way we're not rushing nearer the event.

Have a think and tell me if its a good idea or not.



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sounds like a good suggestion!

what about something as well like you would do at a team building corporate day, maybe everyone staying on the fri night could be given a pile of something cheap like old pallets, black bags and cardboard etc etc, then in a team you have a set time to build a model of a golf ? they could be judged and winners get prize ?

If we could clear it with racecourse, and there is somewhere it could all go on big bonfire in evening to get rid of the rubbish, i didnt make AGM :-( so not sure on set up, but just a suggestion …. ?

SOUTHWEST Regional Host. Bristol Meet - 1st Friday of the month - Toby Carvery Bradely Stoke Bristol Bristol Region Facebook Group


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what about a tresure hunt lol,


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Well I'd like to say sommat here bout the show in shine…the standards are too high … :banghead: .. quite a lot of us who entered did not stand a chance . :( .(just look that who got runner up ! )….to make it more interesting do it differantly this year….If they won last year, give someone else a chance …. would'nt  it be kul if there was a better chance for every one to win something ….It don't have to cost much just enuff to make them say wow! at least with this I can  prove that I was here  ( they just spent hours cleaning n polishing )   It will keep them interested and coming back next year with their  friends …even that has got to be good me thinks ………I think we need to make our show n shine that way………… Interesting ….or it'll be just like any other show n shine.


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Felix, the show n shine is exactly that…. The best turned out cars win the prizes.

We know that people love their cars but it's the ones - usually that have been fully restored or are in excellent condition because they have had an easier life than others.
Not all cars are show winners and that has to be acknowledged by the owners. Be realistic.

Some cars have had £1000s spent on them and look top notch. They then go in national publications as a representative sample of the club.

It's already been discussed as to approach the show n shine in a different way.

You got your momento from me didn't you!!!! :wink:


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Momento ? what momento  :dontknow:  all am saying here is have MY say and its not bout the cost …..( I heard one of you guys say just that ) I know what show n shine is….I've been to enuff of em to know whats what already…. so you don't need to tell me that one ….I thought  us being a more family show we'll be more fun… :D …. not like all the others spend upwards of 20k + on your car or forget it ……a family man can't do that…. so whats the point am trying to make….  A show for them  ( Ex show winners )… yeah and one for us coz we are part of the family too …When I first came to one for your shows …I'did'nt think my car was good enuff…but you made me feel welcome . :D ..A real nice bunch of guys & gals…. you don't get that canna welcome from all the other shows….. So back to what I was saying …Why have not have two lines top notch ex winners one side….and the rest of us on the other side …that could work, we pay a small amount to enter to cover the price  I hope you get the idea ….If you don't let me have a say.. then …there is no point here. Am going to keep trying I know I'll win one day :wink:


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Felix - well done for putting your points across.  I do think that is covered by the daily driver section though mate  :dontknow: …. Is that what you mean because if so there's already something for that I beleive bud  :dontknow:


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This one could go on for ever and a day :?  ( All I was saying here in a nut shell is do you have to be just like all the others ? do we have to spend 20K+ on car t'  get  look ? ) I thought you guys were differant  more chilled out )  why can't us less than top notch guys have a chance  …there should be a section for us all , top ,middles and bottom so we all get a  chance to actually WIN sommat  thats ma point  you'll get more members join up , more ideas for better shows , more prizes…and we DON'T have to be just like the others ….but we do have to be BETTER (Am going to hand make a few prizes for the next AGM ) I want to really help by doing my bit already ……so yea, why not .  :)

Another point I wanna get across is this … We all have to start some were in this show n shine , so Mr beginner can have a chance to win sommat ….as i said It don't have to cost much  just enuff to boost him / her along  :D


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i say put it up to the vote to the masses. then we'll know!

Weber,ATS,Apex,Ripspeed,Supersprint,K&N MOMO..tbc


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The idea of other sections within the show and shine is a mine field.
Imagine you have a goodish cabby and you decided to enter it in the show and shine and at the end of the day when we are all together and the prizes are being awarded you feel you stand a good chance of winning the best reasonable cabby award and the judges decided that your car is the winner of the "best of a bad bunch award" a class under where you thought your car should be! your not gonig to be best pleased :twisted:

We all think our own cars are good its the same as the deluded folks who go on the X factor and think they can sing as good as Micheal bubble when if fact they cant hold a note and looked completely shocked when Simon Cowell says "Im sorry love that sounded like a cat being castrated"

This club was formed for the restoration and preservation of the Mk1 Golf so we have to have the best of the best in the show and shine so we all have a standard to aim for and want to achieve just like the deluded singer who wants to be and thinks they can be the next Robbie Williams.

Dano knows what its like to win best cabby at the AGM 2004, 2008 2nd 2009 and many wins at other VW shows
he didn't enter his car this year as he thought it wasn't good enough as there are a few small rust marks which he feels anit up to the standard required.

Felix your going to make some trophies are they going to look like these :lol:

Im just having a laugh with you here. Cheers for your point of view its good to have suggestions it shows you enjoy and want to improve the club which is a good thing. :D

Dont ask what your club can do for you, but what can you do for your club?


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Felix, I think I understand what your saying…….

At the moment we have numerous categories ie Best Cabby, Tintop, interior, engine bay, Modified etc and all those will more than likely be won by mk1's that are very near concours condition, yet probably over 90% of members have mk1's that dont stand much of a chance of ever seeing a rosette and feel they are just making the numbers up when it comes to show and shine.

It could be feasible to make a few categories, one being  based on the work putting and keeping your mk1 on the road…..this would require you to write a bit of literature maybe even photos of the work you've done, an award for enthusiasm and dedication

 8)  8)


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Felix, I think I understand what your saying…….

At the moment we have numerous categories ie Best Cabby, Tintop, interior, engine bay, Modified etc and all those will more than likely be won by mk1's that are very near concours condition, yet probably over 90% of members have mk1's that dont stand much of a chance of ever seeing a rosette and feel they are just making the numbers up when it comes to show and shine.

It could be feasible to make a few categories, one being  based on the work putting and keeping your mk1 on the road…..this would require you to write a bit of literature maybe even photos of the work you've done, an award for enthusiasm and dedication

 8)  8)

This sounds a bit like car of the month

there are currently 2 chances for anyone to win at the show and shine
1 Best daily driver
2 The people's choice (if a BBQ can win then so can anyone) :D
any sub categories below the top standard would be very very difficult to judge, where would any form of bench mark be??

I feel being called to be a judge for this would be a very difficult job and a poison chalice, the stewards enquires would ramble on the forum for weeks and weeks.

Dont ask what your club can do for you, but what can you do for your club?


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Speaking from experience of 2 years' worth of judging (not a lot I know) and numerous years of entering show n shine competitons when the car was in better condition, I know where my car would rank as soon as I arrived at a show.

Taking part in the event is a lot of fun, especially when you see the same cars arriving and you wonder if you'll beat them 'this' time round. I have to be realistic, if I'm honest i may know that i'm on a loser when I arrive but that doesn't detract from doing my best to prep up.

Judging is a totally different thing. Taking this years event, the cars seem to be doing full circle with many more appearing in totally standard condition (I like that!!!  :lol: ) rather than the whole modified look (just look at the parts for sale section and you'll see numerous for crystal style lights). The more cars in standard condition, the harder to judge. I can't recall you car straight away Felix -I think that its white. If its in not quite standard condition ie the wheels are wrong, lights different, interior altered, different trim then its NOT standard, it slighty modified and thats where you'd lose points at ours and other events. Standard MEANS standard.

A5OPY has the same issue with his cabby, its got a few alterations but its not standard but its not far enough to win a best modified catagory either.

Trying to pick out an out and out winner in the standard catagory was very difficult for Yomp and I this year. The condition of the cars is getting better each year and we try and show the club appriciation by presenting a trophy which is a quality item that would be worthy of a position on the TV in the living room rather than a tatty piece of plastic etc. Its the clubs way of saying 'thanks for putting all the effort into your project'.

Oh and the momento was a rosette!!!  :wink:


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Well the trophies that I'll try to make won't be plastic or tatty …..if you don't like em they won't be used….and oh yea thanks for the rosette :D


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As one of the winners this year, I feel that I need to reply to you generalisation of 20k cars.
I admit that I have spent quite a bit on my mk1, but no where near 20k. I won best engine, I was very surprised actually because it is not the cleanest, but was thrilled to know that my efforts were being noticed and appreciated by fellow club members. I have owned my mk1 for 18 years and the latest 16v G60 conversion was five years in the making. Parts were bought as and when I could afford them, effort was put into cleaning and polishing (there is over 100 hours of graft alone in the inlet manifold!!!).
I do not have the kit to assemble the engine, so I spoke with Midland VW, worked out a cost and then started saving… Do you get the idea, it is a labour of love that has to be saved for, some done myself and other parts by people that have kit and greater skills than me.

The wife has a mk1 as well, you probably recognise it as the Red Sportline that has won car of the month, and best interior for the last two years. Again it is not a 20k car, including the purchase price to as you see it today we have spent 6k. We didn't save for this. The wife use to have a Polo, which she had a loan for, the she got diagnosed with Epilepsy and had to sell the Polo. The money was banked in the hope that one day she could drive again. That day came and I convinced her that a cabby would be a good car for her to have. She was not keen but went with the idea. Being use to a newer car, the mk1 had to be in good nick, we had the budget to buy a solid car, respray it and repair anything that was worn out.
What is really great is that she has now got the mk1 bug, at one of the Telford shows she saw one with a leather interior, and hatched the plan that hers had to have one…

Show and shine should be for the best cars in the show, I have entered mine at every owners club show and up to this year won nothing. The wife you might say has been lucky winning twice, that interior has set the bar pretty high - but I am so proud of her, because it was her idea and colour choice.

Our cars have not happened overnight, we have worked hard to save the cash, plan the mods and restorations and taken years to get them in place. Might I suggest that you aim higher rather than looking for a two tier show and shine.

Just my two penneth.




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Well I suppose I too can say the same here , I've had my car for fourteen year to date and done a hole bunch of stuff myself ( not finished yet )….but that s not what am saying here…… the standards are getting to high and am not just talking bout the one show …..its the way there all going I thought instead of being like all the others we could be …you know …be  less high, we all want a chance… this could go on for a long 1 and  m8 am glad you won ….but this aim higher gig  is not the plan I want us all at some point to have their cake and yes eat it too

And even if I have to put my hand in my own pocket and hand make some trophies ( they will be good ) I'll do it ! the point is more trophies ,more winners, more happy members and it don't matter if I don' t win( I'll get over It ) its the faces of the guys / gals that lose after all … know what i mean  We DON'T have to be the same as the others….


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I understand your view point, but there has to be a balance.

I think what you are saying is that you would like it to be more like how the football leagues work, ie you are part of a particular division and can only win that league.
But if you do win that league or runner up then the next year you must enter the division above.

You can however enter the cup competition and win the peoples choice :-)

Might be difficult to decide which division you are in and some categories might not get enough entries.

Would also keep the chairman on his feet a lot longer :-) at trophy giving time !!!




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What about just adding something like a "concour de elegance" class which would be for the "show cars" which I think is the cars felix is talking about?


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I am not sure that there were any out and out show cars that won anything this year - our two cars are certainly not in that class, would be interesting to see how many other winners would consider themselves to be concours level...




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Have a fun catagory like, least likly to win best at show? lol

Ever growing range of new mk1 golf parts
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