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Puf the magic 'wagen


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Puf the magic 'wagen

lets hope that the :twisted: that attacked your mk1 has moved on to another target :banghead:


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It took long enough! Don't want to do that again in a hurry.

Thanks again for bringing it over mate. I ended up using the old seal, turns out the standard seal is different to the chrome trim one (Wish I'd found that out before trying to fit the normal seal first) so you can grab yours back if you want.

My housemate's pretty hot with a camera, we'll get some decent photos of the two together some time  8)

edit studs : or in prison. I'd prefer prison.


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Finally got my mirrors sorted, painted and fitted. Wasn't sure about going to big mirrors but they don't look too bad now they're on, and I can actually see things in them now :lol:

Credit to my housemate for the photos and DHR - more to come soon.


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really like this car, looks sweet mate & nice pics  8)


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Thank you very much, you lot make me blush  :oops:

All pic credit to my housemate, he's not half bad.

Just handed me another;


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Sweet dude! glad to see the mirrors went to good use!


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Shame you missed the calendar with these, they're nice!

T :banghead:  :banghead:  :banghead:


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thank you  :oops:

They've only just been taken and it's been a few weeks since it's actually been a complete car thanks to vandals so bummer. Still, if it's for consideration next year it should be considerably lower and much more complete - slow and steady wins the race! :)


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Just to keep interest. This weekend I shall be getting some very important new toys turning up though, and I can't wait. Pics will follow of course. :)


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definatley got get our cars together for some pictures like that mate.
 :D  :D  :D


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Ok… two days down… only a few to go… is the delivery on Saturday?  quite looking forward to seeing what you'll be doing.  I really like this motor because of how much it stands out… brilliant mate.


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Looking awesome dude :) Will be cool to see it in the flesh


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And where were my email notifications of replies, I say? Sorry guys, didn't mean to be rude. New toys have been picked up, just need fitting this weekend…

I'm going low. As in 'slow down for shadows' low. If I drive over a penny the queen's nose will hit the backbox. Cannae wait :D

Spudfingers: Cheers dude. This'll be back in for COTM when it's been fettled properly and cleaned, probably Jan edition :)


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i think this car is great! it better be going to next years agm!


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I should be there, but it'll depend on finals at uni. :)


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Thought I'd drag this from the depths with a photo from Spring Fest. Not much is new but there are interior and oily bits stacked up to be fitted after finals, so consider this a teaser I guess.


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Things are moving on.

The reason my mk2 daily is sat like this…

…is because it has this in the back of it.

Give it two weeks and I should be running an ABD 1.4 with a polo GT p&p head, not to mention…

I'm a bit excited. :)


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8) Dom keep us updated.


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Will do mate, I'll fully go through the build and hopefully have a part-by-part, step-by-step guide. :)

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