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Puf the magic 'wagen


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Puf the magic 'wagen

Bar stewards! Sorry to see that. You'll have to take the doorcard out and see if you can minimise the dent by pushing it back out DIY style! Should have reasonable access to the area from the inside? Shame the paint's come off aswell though. Should be able to get a second hand mirror cheap too hopefully. I might have a GSF flag mirror in the garage if you're interested (cheap and nasty, but good in an emergency). Free of charge of course.  :wink: Love the wheels.  8)


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Cheers. Don't suppose you'll be at No Rice tonight? Don't fancy driving for ages without a mirror and cheap's no probs as I was planning on getting some chrome ones soon anyway.

The dent should be fine, mega pissed about the paint though. Hopefully I'll be able to find a small can of gambia red from somewhere and just paint it up myself, I'd just rather have not had to do it.


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Not going to No Rice, sorry. I can post it tomorrow (if I can find it tonight). Put a post up in the Wanted section or Mk1 chat (more attention)and you might catch someone going to No Rice from here with one? You never know!


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I'll give it a go, cheers. I'll drop you a PM tomorrow if I have no luck, wing you some dosh over paypal or something :)


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Bad news mate, I just don't get some people. I've had my car keyed and scraped in a parking accident plus one written off in August so I know how annoying it is, thankfully I've not been in the Golf at any of these times but it does put me off driving it sometimes.

Good luck with the repair.



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Should be fixing the door this weekend. Also considering fabing up a new zorst tip, think this'll look ok :)


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Sorry to hear about the vandals & your car mate  :(

Hope you get it sorted  8)


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I hate seeing the vandalism on this site. There seems to be a lot of it. Hope it fixes easy enough.

The exhaust tip looks spot on. Is it 2" diameter?


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Yup, 2". trying to find someone nearby with a welder I can blag for 30 secs, can't be bothered to fab up an overly elaborate bracket to hold it on :(


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must be summit about these red 5dr's mate

mines been clipped about 5 times now since I've had it - people never say anything - just must think - ah its only an old car….

had passanger doors twice, drivers door once, rear end twice, one even bust the lights etc

Hope you get it sorted soon enough mate..


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It seems I have a secret nemesis. :(


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I owned this car for a bit. How is it going?


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sorry to see what some :twisted: has done to your car mate.
if your hatfield at present i do have front quarter glass.


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Concunningham - it's going ok thanks, hope it's looking ok to you! How was it when you had it? Currently got a mk2 engine in it, did it have original when you had it?

Studs - PM'd.


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It was standard when I had it. Different interior (worse)
Went like a dream though. I drove it from Southhampton to Glasgow when I bought it no problemo. I sold it to an English student at Stirling Uni.
I sold it when I get a convertible. Big mistake. Still got that but it does not run. I've got a 79 tin top as my daily runner also great.
What sort of welder did you use? I need to replace my arches.
Puf looks rad now.
happy motoring.


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Guess the original engine went pop then  :dontknow:

Hopefully transplanting something tasty in, but it's a bit hush at the mo as I haven't finalised plans.

I don't know what was used on the sills and rear arches as they were done when I got it, but we arc welded the new inner wings and front panel on. It was only a small area of each so we were able to re-use most of the existing metal and filler up any small mistakes. It was a driveway job, one of my friends came up from Ringwood with his welder.

I love hearing about its history! Might do that drive again next year as my home's close to Southampton for old time's sake, if I do I'll let you know so you can see the old thing again :)


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Ahhh, twunts indeed.  I took a fair amount of vandalism when I first got mine and I don't live in a bad area.  Guess folks are just jealous.

On a positive note, wicked ride mate, loving the wheels!  :D


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Little bit of good news.

A very pleasant man named studs (who has stealthily been living about a mile and a half away from me for the last 2 years without me knowing) turned up in this…

…with this!

Should be fitting it tomorrow, and as long as I have the time. Got wing mirrors on order too. We're getting there :y:

As lpng as everything's still good next month I might grace the Berkshire meet…


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Golf glass is not fun to fit at all.

Still, fitted it was  8)


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no worries mate, just glad to be of assistance.
you've taken a nice pic of my good side. 8)  8)  8)
good work on getting the quarter glass in  :)  :)  :)
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