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My Resto 1982.... New engine start videos.


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My Resto 1982.... ENGINE START! With video!

Ok an update. havnt realy had time to do much as im back at uni now but i tackled a cam belt change on my mk2 becuase i didnt know when it was last changed. Found that the timing was out slightly and thats why it was running like shite. Was also going to do the tryed and tested gti camshaft upgrade but the mk1 camshaft did not fit as it fouled on the head. Apparently i need a later model mk2 gti camshaft becuase they have hydraulic tappets. and the early ones have solid, same with the mk1 head.
Ah well i tryed. Will have to get a cam and give it another go.

As you can see there is a massive differance between the 2 lobes.
Should of guessed it wasnt going to fit. lol

Today i had uni but did something interesting

Took there car out to the track to do some testing before the berket at silverstone next weekend. Hopefully be going to that aswell.
I do a foundation degree in motorsport at bridgwater college.

Anyway back to the mk1 lol
I came home today to find a bunch of boxes full of brake stuff and a valve spring compressor to take the 16v head apart to be skimmed.
Managed to get 8 valves and valve stem seals out before it got dark.

And my mate brought a few of my parts back that he had sandblasted.

Just the sump, oil filter mount and altenator mount so far.

Mk1 Golf Gti Abf conversion Project
Mk2 Golf Gti 16v
Mini Cooper S R53 (Daily)


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Cant believe im saying tis but im half tempted to sell my mk1 rolling shell and all the parts off and buy a mk2 stick the abf in it. Just for a fast car.
Fed up with bodywork! Want to do engine stuff!!

PLEASE give me motivation to keep at it! I will be talked out of it easily i expect! lol

Just about to go on ebay and see how much i could get.

Mk1 Golf Gti Abf conversion Project
Mk2 Golf Gti 16v
Mini Cooper S R53 (Daily)


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the thougt crosses my mind every time i get the grider out,

but at the end of the day it wont be a mk1,

and you wont smile everytime you see it,

you'll just think, what can i do next that wont make me look like  a chav…..

not much in a mk2  :banghead:

Plus, eveyone in mk1's waves  :wink:


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I will stick at it dont worry. lol

I will be able to look at it and i will know every nut and bolt on it. And i will know there is no rust on it. :D

The grinder! i hate that tool. I try and do job where i dont have to use it at the moment but i had to today because i couldnt do anything else.
Same again tomoro i expect

Finished welding up the sunroof hole today and welded up the rust hold in the roof gutter and the hole for the arieal. Definatly going to have to use alot of filler on the roof as its curvy as hell now :(

There aint nothing wrong with a mk2 mate btw lol and i get waves all the time in that.

I tink i have changed my mind at what colour i want again. GOne off that green i think.

either thing light blue

Or this green which i dont know the paint code of. Is it a vw colour? does anybody know if so or the code?

Realy liking that colour.

Mk1 Golf Gti Abf conversion Project
Mk2 Golf Gti 16v
Mini Cooper S R53 (Daily)


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Got my head back from the skimmers today and it looks bloody lovely!
It looks well sexy!
Feels like a treat working on something not filthy.

But obviously to work on the thing that wasnt filthy i had to clean parts up to get the clean.

Like all of the valves! Ugh
Started out using white spirit and a scouring pad and then snadpaper to get the carbon deposits off but about half way through this i got a new scouring pad and tryed it without white spirit and it came right off!!!

My work station

My method (shove the valve in the drill and hold the pad still. Very effective i must say!



Then i went about seating the valves back into the head with grinding paste

Only managed to seat the inlet valves tonight. Will do the exhast tomoro i expect.
Then i can get the dremel out and port and polish the ports by getting rid of the the casting marks and the harsh angles.

Good stuff :D

Mk1 Golf Gti Abf conversion Project
Mk2 Golf Gti 16v
Mini Cooper S R53 (Daily)


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That brings back memories of refurbing my 8v head - fun times! :?

Really enjoying watching your car progress - keep up the good work…



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mcscrew said

That brings back memories of refurbing my 8v head - fun times! :?

Really enjoying watching your car progress - keep up the good work…


Yeah it is fun init. Very satisfying. I think im just enjoying of cuz i can do it inside in the warmth cuz the head is clean. lol

Cheers mate. Thanks for saying that cuz not many people comment on my car on here. but i cant realy complain with the amount of views lol.
Im one of the people realy that just go through the threads looking at them. lol

Mk1 Golf Gti Abf conversion Project
Mk2 Golf Gti 16v
Mini Cooper S R53 (Daily)


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coming along nicely


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Keep up the good work dude  :mrgreen:


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your making good progress - shell be painted before the bad weather kicks in again?


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Nice work matey! keep it going, I have been following this build from
the start, and its good to see you are making progress, and still
enthusiastic, keep at it.


Golf MK1 GLi Golf MK2 GTi Golf MK3 GTi Galaxy 2.3 Ghia X Seat Inca 1.9 Diesel Tomorrow is almost over, today went by so fast The only thing to look forward too is the past.


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Cheers guys thanks for the encorangement.

Realy realy doubt that it will be painted before the weather turns. But it should be ok since it garaged.
I have to widen the arches, modify the rear pannel to accept small lights and apply filler to most of the car and sand it down lol.

Always nice to see people that have been following from the begining mate. But then again it also nice to have new people getting interested. lol

Always apprecieight the comments people cheers

Havnt been aple to do much recently. been a bit busy.
Went silverstone with my uni to do some support for the endurance racing. Was 6 hours long and i had to be there at half 7 for the car to be scrutaneard so we had to leave the college at 4 in the morn!! Wasnt pleasent lol. But it was such a good day. Came 5th overall out of 52. Good stuff. there was a mk2 golf in the same race but not sure where that came. Didnt look to fast up agaisnt radicals and bmw m3s lol
Deffinatly one of my best days ever.
Sat in the grandstand at silverstone basicly on my own but with dale to do spoting to make sure we didnt crash. and stood on the pit wall watching the race aswell!!!

Mk1 Golf Gti Abf conversion Project
Mk2 Golf Gti 16v
Mini Cooper S R53 (Daily)


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nice to see this coming along, i remember chatting too you when i had my car on the rolling road in the college, shame i didnt make any head way that day with running issues and it still isnt much better but i dont get much time when running it as a daily and not having another car as a back up.
old bridgy college ay i see they have finally replaced the splitter on the radi, and i remember doing the birkit for josh last year, did his dad take the radical or the nemesis?? i expect it was as cold as last year. i was going to come up with ed but i have been too busy since getting my job and it means my golf will be on the drive for 6months (keep an eye on it for me please) haha.
hopefully ill keep an eye on the progress of your car while im away as i normally drop in progress when im in port.

keep up the good work :D


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Oh yeah i remember. Wernt you trying to adjust the timing if i remember correctly? lol Still aint done it? Fair enuf if you have no time i guess. I adjusted the timing on my mk2 the other day and it made a massive differance lol.
I think i saw you on sainsburys roundabout in bridgy the other day. Ur car still looking sweet.
Darsy took his radical and was on about how hes gunna turbo it. Crazy lol.
Yeah it was bloody freezing a pouring it down most of the day. but dryed up for that last 10 mins of the race. lol

lol i will keep an eye on ur car by driving it for you if you want while ur away. ;)

Shame i missed you at the meet last night but i got there at 8ish as didnt know what time it started. lol Next month will be there on time though.

I just ported and polished the inlet and exhaust ports on my ABF head and finished off seating the valves. FINALY
Got fed up doing it so i tryed this out haha

Worked realy well.


after porting

after polishing

Ive matched all the ports to the manifold and sharpend the divide in the middle and smothed it all out.

Same with the Exhaust

Also orderd all i need to put the engine back together now. Should be done soon i hope. End of this week maybe. If all the packages come that is. Cant wait!

Mk1 Golf Gti Abf conversion Project
Mk2 Golf Gti 16v
Mini Cooper S R53 (Daily)


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yeah doing the timing on the dizzy and cam just to see if i could get it to run smoother, i was told it was a kent fast road cam, and not being used the  engine on setting it up etc we just went on what squeak ( simon ) said and what other people said n it just went noooooooooo were so gave up, but i took rocker cover off more lately found it was a TSR mild (whats the point ) road cam… so i rang up tsr and they said u just put them on standard timing so i bought a standard pully put that on saves fuss arsing about with vernier. seems to run better especially getting read of the cast mani. but past two weeks been struck with running issues. plays funny buggers starting. replaced coil and leads seemed to sort it but was off hte road 3 days as i was waiting on coil started up straight away with those new bits but now its back so im thinking maybe fuel wise or distrabutor but i leave in two days so im not going to get the parts.
haha its starting to get abit ruff round edges over the rough weather i cant wait to see yours when complete mate, yeah i member seeing you on roundabout i gave a little wave but didnt realise id spoken to you before until reading this thread and u saying about ur mk1 in college just kinda clicked…

yeah darcey is a crazy fool!!!

oh how ive babbled! lol

oh yeah u guna use hte flow bench at hte college for your head???


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Haha nah screw using the flow bench. Cant be arsed. That will just get me a load of fugures that i will just be like oh right cool and then ignor them. lol.

Im toying with the idea with putting bike carbs on my mk2 though and on the test bench you can set up carbs i found out. So i might try that out. Would be good.

As for ur car it could be the auto choke. Try unpluging it and blocking the tube off when u are starting it. Its the thing on the front of the inlet mani i think with a tube bypassing the throttle body i think.
If its that then i got a spare one kicking around. lol. Like most things i have a spare one sumwhere in my garage. Abit of a horder. lol
But i found if the timing is out just a tooth it runs shit. Found that out on my mk2. As i had a cam belt lying around for it so thought id change it and saw the timing was out so adjusted it and now it runs brillaint.

On my head i went to clean all the metal off of it and then i noticed the bump in the picture of the port just grinded and thought id smooth it. And that escalated into finding more bits in my dremal box and thought id use them. the ports look miles better now and now in the process of snading them with 400 grit. Might swap to 240 make things faster. lol

Also did a mock up of my head with the throttle boddies which i couldnt stop looking at :D:D

Mk1 Golf Gti Abf conversion Project
Mk2 Golf Gti 16v
Mini Cooper S R53 (Daily)


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don't over polish the ports! they need to be rough to stop the fuel pooling!
as long as it's a smooth transition, sanding marks don't matter. i usually use a dremel and thats it!!!!

Good work though, gives me inspiration to get a few bits of mine welded up. just need to get the cash for the new back panel lol



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Crowson_punk said

don't over polish the ports! they need to be rough to stop the fuel pooling!
as long as it's a smooth transition, sanding marks don't matter. i usually use a dremel and thats it!!!!

Good work though, gives me inspiration to get a few bits of mine welded up. just need to get the cash for the new back panel lol


But its still going to be injection so surely it wont pool because the injection of the fuel vaporises it anyway into the air, so wouldnt need mixing much surely?

Ive only just about got one port so far smooth as hell and took ages lol so please tell me it would be better to dremal it up again rarther than smooth all the other ports lol.

Its realy satifying doing all the welding on the car. And then you have a rust free car :D lol
Do it NOW lol

Mk1 Golf Gti Abf conversion Project
Mk2 Golf Gti 16v
Mini Cooper S R53 (Daily)


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Done some research and its true. Ah well. Took a pic of the nice smooth port before i ruin it. Then i can rebuild the head. woooo FINALY
Shame about the port though. :(
Apparently the turbulance will form a layer of air that all the air rushing into the cylinder and make it smoother.

All nice a smooth

And then after :(

Desided to rebuild the head today though :D
AND THEY WENT FOR ?10!!! ANNOYING. Was gunna bike carb my mk2. Ah well.

New valve stem seals

Spring seats in place

and the springs in place

And now a rebuilt head :D:D All clean and shiney

Thing of beauty realy

Mk1 Golf Gti Abf conversion Project
Mk2 Golf Gti 16v
Mini Cooper S R53 (Daily)


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Havnt realy been doing much as its been horrible weather so cant realy get the car out to do stuff on it but today i managed to get it out and get at some parts for the engine that are buried at the back of the garage. lol.
And i also got a load of parts back from my mate that sandblasted them for me.
Desided to paint them up and very pleased.

All painted with high temp paint

Need to paint the engine mounts and get new engine mount bushes pressed in.

And this im very please with.

Its the water pump and altenator bracket all painted up nice and mocked up together

And been busy with college stuff. Been messing around with this program Solidworks. Google image it and see if you are interested but i got bored and desided to draw this 3d model of a bbs rs wheel. You can rotale it in the program and split it all apart. Very proud of it.

Cheers for looking.

Mk1 Golf Gti Abf conversion Project
Mk2 Golf Gti 16v
Mini Cooper S R53 (Daily)
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