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Lawsy family - BLUEY - project 2 tone commences....


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Lawsy family - BLUEY - project 2 tone commences....

rims look well nice mate.

will look even better two tone. ;)

ash x


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dope_as said

rims look well nice mate.

will look even better two tone. ;)

ash x

yeah mate - had an issue with the fronts fouling the caliper a little tho- so currently on 3mm spacers..  8O  8O

what stance ar eyours, ET20 all round or spaced as well!!

2 tone going to start soon - need it done!!


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mine are et20 all round, no spacers.

they used to foul the caliper at the front, tho it turned out to be the wheel balancing weights stuck on the inside of the wheel that were catching, a little careful placement with the new ones and it was fine.  :D

ash x


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dope_as said

mine are et20 all round, no spacers.

they used to foul the caliper at the front, tho it turned out to be the wheel balancing weights stuck on the inside of the wheel that were catching, a little careful placement with the new ones and it was fine.  :D

ash x

mine are proper on the caliper - might have to get the file out - 3 mm spacer clears!!

Migth need to do some scaffold pole action on the arch too!!  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:


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Nggghhhrrrhhh…..must……..resist……..urge……….to buy……….GL……..

Nice car Steve, I don't normally go for pinstriping but that looks good on the original patched up paint. 8)

More doors FTW etc… :y:

Yradave says relax.



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Well today - project 2 tone has commenced..

I had an annoying dent in the door from the one careless previous owner, and a few more scrapes around the car - also been toying with the idea of 2 tone for ages - then after seeing Ash's (dope_as) 2 toned blue machine in the flesh - it had to be done!!

So today, bit of spare time, so started work…

what you think!!

longer term will see whole bottom half of car done, then flatted back and re-applied, if it do laquer, it will stay satin - but for now


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looks ace. :)

though i think you need to do round the inner edge of the doors abit more, unless its just how it looks in this pic:

"Lawsy" said



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that looks sweet !!!
hurry up and do the rest and post more pictures !
suits the car really well i reckon…keep up the gd work  :D


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"dope_as" said

looks ace. :)

though i think you need to do round the inner edge of the doors abit more,

yes mate - door shuts not been done yet, this was just the start - I only hada couple of hours of spare time, so not bad for a start, had to fill and sand the dink in the door too as per pics V

  • next is to do other side, then remove bumpers n do front n back - then to finish it all off will be door shuts etc etc..

2 tone more doors FTW….


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good work son.

i left my dinks in! :D

ash x


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Interesting to see how this turns out Steve, I like the wheels though, what are they?



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foxymk1 said

oooo thats looks nice good choice pal,, now all u need to do is weld the back doors up  :lol:  :lol:


ha ha - erm nope - 2/3 doors are so last season!!! especially those ones with welded up rear windows!!

need to do that on my passat tho!!!


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Looks good with the 2 tone.


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Good stuff dude! Looks 8)



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front wing n panel now done - started on the passanger wing too….

looks good - tax runs out end of month tho so will be sorning it…


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Lawsy said


sorry to hear it mate. i guess you have your reasons.

much love.

ash x


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fiver and a lollipop?


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