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Please Help Me Win This!


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Please Help Me Win This!

I hope its ok to post this. I've been looking at the rules and don't see anything which would prohibit it. If I'm wrong then I'm sure someone will put me straight.

Basically I have entered a competition. I had to write a poem. The gist of the thing is that you can write any old rubbish as it is not the quality which will win but the person who can generate the highest number of votes. Therefore I put something very lame together and sent it in quickly. The 2 spelling errors on the last line though were not mine.  :oops:  

That was 2 weeks ago and I have been well in the lead all along ie 120 votes over and above anyone else. Today however someone else has managed to nearly equal my votes.  :banghead:  They must have more friends than me.

So I was hoping that some of you lovely people would vote for me and help me win ?200. It will go in my new wheels fund.  You just need to click the link below and then click a number of stars and thats that.

I would really appreciate any help on this.


Jackie  :D


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T :roll:  :lol:


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Is that secret code for "go away you shouldn't do this" or words to that effect?


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This is a great illustration of democracy at its best! Duly voted, for being cheeky enough to plain ask strangers for votes.



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JackieJ said

Is that secret code for "go away you shouldn't do this" or words to that effect?


T :mrgreen:


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Voted good luck  :D  :D should of gone with volkswagen in instead of merc though..The man from strabane could of been in his campaign

Corky 2 (Paul)                                                                                
Silver campaign


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\'83 Lhasa Green GX 1457cc

\'53 Mk4 Golf R32, Deep Pearl Blue

\'00 Kawasaki Ninja J1 ZX6R

\'92 B3 Passat Estate 1.6td (Now breaking) 😭


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Voted :)


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I'll do it again when I get to the unit

Ever growing range of new mk1 golf parts


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Voted hope I get a free drink :D


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Done!! Good Luck!!

It might not be 12 inches, but it SMELLS like a foot!!!

1983 Campaign - Mars Red - Schmidt TH Lines

<div align="center"><a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="The Out Campaig


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also voted, good luck  :wink:


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Voted again but you're still lying in second place!

T :banghead:  :lol:


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Voted…. good luck  :wink:


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voted but i want a slice of the winnings :p


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Maybe the #1 poem person has asked on a random, but slightly larger, forum too? Might be worth posting on CGTI too, they're about 10x bigger than here.



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Voted, you have more votes but the other guy's rating is higher so looks like we need to get your's up, I voted 10 out of 10 stars  :D

/Users/cherie/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Originals/2008/16 Sep 2008/DSC01016.JPG


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Thanks everyone, I greatly appreciate it.  :D

Paul, thanks for the idea. However I'm not a member on there so it would be seriously cheeky (even cheekier than I've been here) to go and ask them.  Much as I'm not very active on here, I do intend to stay around.

I'm wanting to win this now out of sheer pig headed principle. :lol:

Oh and some of you should enter your cars in this one:


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JackieJ said

Thanks everyone, I greatly appreciate it.  :D

Paul, thanks for the idea. However I'm not a member on there so it would be seriously cheeky (even cheekier than I've been here) to go and ask them.  Much as I'm not very active on here, I do intend to stay around.

I'm wanting to win this now out of sheer pig headed principle. :lol:

Oh and some of you should enter your cars in this one:

Get someone who's been a member for ages to post it on your behalf? PS I can't do it for you, they won't listen to me.

There are too many online users to list.