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Where else is it advetised? Anyone know?


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One thing i think ebay should change is thier bidding method, its supposed to be an auction and if you hav people bidding right  at the end and still trying to bid they should allow the bidding to continue, fair enough giv it a listing time like they do 10days, 7, 5 , wot ever but as it comes to the end if people are still tryng to outbid or compete let it go on til no one enters a final bin for a certain amount of time only known to ebay, so if for your item listed ebay chose at random a time  at the end of your listing time all bidding has ceased for say 7mins then the winning bid wins, and so people cant prodict the time it waits for no activity after a the last bid placed after the listing time it could be a completely random time set by ebay at the start of your listing and could be any time like say 4 mins 23 secs no activity final bid wins, how many of you hav sold items that people are bidding like crazy in the last min and the winner is the one that gets his timing right not the one who wants to pay the most for it which means you loose out on bids that you could hav had on oyur item???

does this make sense to anyone? :wink:


GOLF MKII DRIVER - ex took it

GOLF MKII GTI 16V - scrapped



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zambeaky said

One thing i think ebay should change is thier bidding method, its supposed to be an auction and if you hav people bidding right  at the end and still trying to bid you they should allow the bidding to continue, fair enough giv it a listing time like they do 10days, 7, 5 , wot ever but as it comes to the end if people are still tring to outbid or compete let it go on til no one enters a final bin for so long only known to ebay, so if for your item ebay chose at random that at the end of your listing time sall bidding has ceased for say 7mins then the winning bid wins, and so people cant prodict the time it waits for no activity after the listing time it could be a completely random time set by ebay at the start of your listing and could be any time like say 4 mins 23 secs no activity final bid wins, how many of you hav sold items that people are bidding like crazy in the last min and the winner is the one that gets his timing right not the one one who wants to pay the most for it which means you loose out on bids that you could hav had???

Time isn't that important, you enter the max amount you want to pay, and if someone outbids you, they can have it!

For example, you might want something and your max is ?40. Put in ?40 max bid, before the auction ends. If someone else wins it at ?41 it doesn't mean they bid ?41, they might have bid ?100. So long as both bids are entered before the auction wins, the highest bidder wins.

The fact that most bidding occurs at the end of the auction is because the auction needs to have a definite end time, after all its started and then the listing is a certain length of time….hence the end time. Its not a case of timing it right, its a case of entering the higher bid.



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that couldn't possibly work, unless maybe the auction was viewable for a certain time period and given an end date but not a time.

that people are bidding like crazy in the last min and the winner is the one that gets his timing right not the one one who wants to pay the most for it which means you loose out on bids that you could hav had???

nope it doesn't work like that. eBay works by proxy bidding. If your max bid is the highest at the end off the auction you win - no matter when the bid was placed.

i.e if an item worth ?10 appears and you desperately want it so bid ?200 pounds for it.

the bidding will run and ebay will proxy bid on your behalf up to your max so you will always be winning bidder - providing some other muppet doesn't want it even more desperately.

If you want to try an grab things at the last sec - use '' or similar - you don't always win though.

It's the way I like to bid…..set the snip and leave it, no auction fever. you either win it or you don't and you never end up paying more than you want to.


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I looked briefly at an auction sniper website too - was put off when I found out they took a fee! Maybe I didn't look that closely and there's free ones around though? In any case, I rarely use eBay these days anyway. Auctions tend not to be the bargains they once were, especially cars, where it seems they go for more than their worth, and 75% of the auctions then fall through and the car gets relisted. So if you wanted something it would take a month, to maybe win it. Doesn't seem that great an idea then.



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alot of timing comes into it, if your item had an end time like it does and then a random no activity time was given for a random time it would allow people to auction it out until no one wants to out bid anyone more so if people continue to bid for 5mins after your end time and you hav a random time of 3 mins 40 secs on your activity time on your listing chosen by ebay and no one places a bid for 3 mins and 40secs the last bid after your end time, so it works out your end time is say 8pm but you had active bidding for 5mins after your end time as people were still bidding and then no activity for 3mins and 40secs then the auction ends so your itm end time was 8pm but finished bids at 8.08.40pm, so you will still have an end time but you know that everyones had their cance to place there max they want to pay, i do think that they should remove the max bid option and simply make people put actual bids on


GOLF MKII DRIVER - ex took it

GOLF MKII GTI 16V - scrapped



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I guess we're stuck with the rules as they are though, and in the meantime all you can do is adjust your bidding strategy according to the rules, or choose not to use eBay?

It does seem that the heyday of getting a bargain on it, and being able to sell any old tat for decent money, seems to have gone. Also its size has become a weakness so now its the site of choice for scammers (buyers and sellers alike). Its an ideal opportunity for a competitor to take advantage of the situation.



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paul_c said

I looked briefly at an auction sniper website too - was put off when I found out they took a fee! Maybe I didn't look that closely and there's free ones around though? In any case, I rarely use eBay these days anyway. Auctions tend not to be the bargains they once were, especially cars, where it seems they go for more than their worth, and 75% of the auctions then fall through and the car gets relisted. So if you wanted something it would take a month, to maybe win it. Doesn't seem that great an idea then.

know wot you mean i would never buy a car on ebay i just wouldnt do it, i understand wot your all saying but at the end of the day an auction is when people bid until they dont want to pay anymore for it auctions dont have time limits, its like i'v got items on there now plenty of watchers 1 bid and no one else will step in until it gets to the last few mins it always happens


GOLF MKII DRIVER - ex took it

GOLF MKII GTI 16V - scrapped



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zambeaky said

paul_c said

I looked briefly at an auction sniper website too - was put off when I found out they took a fee! Maybe I didn't look that closely and there's free ones around though? In any case, I rarely use eBay these days anyway. Auctions tend not to be the bargains they once were, especially cars, where it seems they go for more than their worth, and 75% of the auctions then fall through and the car gets relisted. So if you wanted something it would take a month, to maybe win it. Doesn't seem that great an idea then.

know wot you mean i would never buy a car on ebay i just wouldnt do it, i understand wot your all saying but at the end of the day an auction is when people bid until they dont want to pay anymore for it auctions dont have time limits, its like i'v got items on there now plenty of watchers 1 bid and no one else will step in until it gets to the last few mins it always happens

It doesn't happen if you use the "classifieds" or "buy it now" formats, once you've got your feedback up you can use these if you don't want to use the auction format.



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paul_c said

It does seem that the heyday of getting a bargain on it, and being able to sell any old tat for decent money, seems to have gone.

Isn't that a contradiction?

If you bought a bargain on ebay then the seller isn't going to be happy.
If you sold a piece of tat on ebay then the buyer won't be happy.

Those heydays were never there!

Ebay's as crap now as its all ways been and until they add time to an auction if a bid is put on within the last few minutes then it'll never change.

The only good thing about it is finding that elusive part in the comfort of your own home rather than trudging round auto jumbles and scrap yards which is why you will pay over the odds because its convenient.


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Yomp said

paul_c said

It does seem that the heyday of getting a bargain on it, and being able to sell any old tat for decent money, seems to have gone.

Isn't that a contradiction?

It is, but I was previously able to manage it, probably more down to luck than judgement. And by doing things such as wording my adverts well, setting the start price realistically,providing plenty of decent pictures, etc. And when buying, being patient to find an auction that was at a funny time, or letting others go and being the only bidder, hence getting the bargain. I've had it both ways selling though, and I've 'let things go' at a bargain price (gearbox for 99p anyone?) and these days letting things accumulate in the shed rather than selling them at all.



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paul_c said

[ I've had it both ways selling though, and I've 'let things go' at a bargain price (gearbox for 99p anyone?) and these days letting things accumulate in the shed rather than selling them at all.

Me to mate! I've sold stuff cheap which now I'm wishing I'd kept.
It wasn't about the money why I sold, more about physically running out of room!


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i bought a set of minilites for 99p when i went to pay for the them the guy refused to sell them saying they were damaged more like he didnt want to let them go for 99p so i reported him to ebay  :lol:


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This is my car and it there to be sold, the reserve is set at ?3500, and I will remove the line regarding selling else where as I only copied that form other adverts not knowing it was incorret, there will be no buy it now price so please don't ask, Regards Phil


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Darn, I was just about to offer ?15,000 for it  :(

'83 1.5 Gx (picture coming soon)


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bens_cab said

i bought a set of minilites for 99p when i went to pay for the them the guy refused to sell them saying they were damaged more like he didnt want to let them go for 99p so i reported him to ebay  :lol:

I bid on a set of badly listed alloys on ebay a while back (before the more recent ebay "updates") at a steal of a price, and when no-one else bid they were suddenly and mysteriously "stolen"…. funny that.  :roll:


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the price is creeping up now, i hope it sells for a good price for you fella then at least it should be a genuine enthusiast that will buy it and cherish it.

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