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cheap insurence?


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cheap insurence?

Does any one know where to go for cheap insurance? I would need it to be the basic and cheapest around as I am looking to but I 1.3 golf and my previous quotes have been a little to pricey! (i am a girl so its a little cheaper for me) Also some websites stop quoting if it is below 1984.

Any suggestions would be mostly appreciated!!


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Ring people like HIC (Herts), Adrian Flux or Footman James as they'll 9 times out of 10 give you better cover and a better price than the more well known insurers.

Have a peek in the insurance section of the forum for more info, and if you do decide to go with one of the above, buying a paid club membership will earn you a discount with all 3.

There's also an Adiran Flux rep on here that might be able to help you.



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Have you tried the obvious places such as compare the market and confused? Im assuming youre a young driver (17-21) and this is your 1st insurance, so no matter where you get quotes from youre going to get stung with quite high premiums! The easiest way to bring the premium down is to increase the excess on the policy but dont go mad!! dont bump the excess upto ?500 to get a cheap quote if you cant afford to pay out ?500 in the event of an accident!

Classic car insurance companies often offer a good deal if you agree a low annual milage. BUT many of them have stipulations such as minimum age requirements or holding insurance on another vehicle etc.

Dont be fooled into believing that 3 party only will be cheaper than anything else. it wont!! 3rd party fire and theft is usually a shade cheaper than fully comprehensive but if you crash the golf on a 3P,F&T insurance you'll get nothing to cover your repairs!!


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Thanks everyone. I have shopped around all the price comparison sites and the cheapest I?ve found is about ?1500 TP F&T. I?m sure if I ring up about it I can get it down but I will try everything suggested first! :D


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try lancaster as they have always given me good prices. but if your only 17 ?1500 is a decent price believe it or not!


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As bigdave said,TP,F&T is not going to be much cheaper,if at all.Some won`t even insure you TP,F&T.
Fully comp is the best bet :wink:


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im young, try and


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im 17 and i got a quote from endsleigh for ?1090 tpft :D . give them a try.

god luck with the search lol


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I'm 21…on a 1.3 1983 it would cost me just over ?200 a year fully comp. Try….its always working out cheaper. Done a test with the same car on comparethemarket and moneysupermarket. moneysupermarket is at least ?50 cheaper quotes from the same companies. Strange but true.

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