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My '83 Gti. Diamond Silver,thousands spent.Baby forces sale!


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My '83 Gti. Diamond Silver,thousands spent.Baby forces sale!

Link below to advert.More pics available if you need them.

Guys & Gals…..I value your opinions,so any comments good or bad will be of help to me as i do need a quick sale.

PM or call me on 07919 405259 if you are interested.

Used cars for sale - PistonHeads UK


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Nobody have any comments then?? I really need to sell quickly,is it just the wrong time of year? :dontknow:
Any help would be very much appreciated.


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The price is a bit stiff.

You never get your ? back on cars.

Modified cars, even lightly modified in good taste, often don't make as much as the unmolested orginal would.

Even if you spent the money on a big restoration, rather than mods you'd still be out of pocket.

Not best time of year to sell as no one wants to go view a car in the cold and wet and dark.

1983 Mars Red 1.8 Golf GTI
1987 Alpine White 1.8 Clipper Cabriolet

The trouble with doing nothing is that you never know when you are finished.


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Yeah,point taken about price.I'm not greedy and i paid over ?3k for the car in the first place so i'm not trying to recoup all my outlay.I have the original rear lights and all the other bits and pieces to swap back,all i would need is some good original wheels and it would be pretty much back to normal.The leather interior was already in the car.I just don't have a lot of time right now to tinker!!
It's a shame because the car is in excellent condition and runs like a dream,nothing is missing or looks tired,even the damn number plate is worth nearly half the price of the car!!

Thanks for your input anyway.


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Ok, i need to sell asap.I will listen to any sensible offers.I will leave the Alpine head unit and the front speakers/tweeters as they are built in,the rest i can remove easily. I have the original rear lights to go back in and the interior bits and bobs but unfortunately no original steering wheel.

I need money fast,someone out there must want a good solid car that needs nothing done and won't for a long time to come.


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Had a couple of people asking for my 'best price',what does this mean???
Surely you need to come and have a look at the car and form your own opinion and then we can haggle on price.Is that not the way it works?

Looks like another case for the dreaded fleabay soon then!!!


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'Best Price' questions happen a lot now with the added communication of the internet.

My interpretation is that (as a prospective buyer myself) people want to know how low you are prepared to go because no-one puts a car up for sale and expects to get that price - unless they are daft!
Lets say I had a budget of ?3.5k - I'd ask you what your best price is. You might say ?3.6k. Then it's not worth me coming to look as I can't ofer you what you want. But if you said ?3.4k then it would be worth it for me.

We're all busy people, and as these cars get less, we (as buyers) have to travel further a field. If I were looking for a Ford Focus (not likely mind!) I would be able to see about 10 local ones in the space of a day and take my pick.
With Mk1 Golfs, I have to ask as many questions as possible, hope the seller is genuine and not talking out of his arse (as has happened recently) , and be sure that the potential sale price and my budget align.

As mentioed before, your price is strong and you will need to hang out for a person who wants all (or most) of the mods you have done. The more mods you do, it just reduces the number of people who want it, and there is not a big market for these anyway.

Can you tell I'm bored at work????   :lol:


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So…..wouldn't it make more sense for a prospective buyer to say ' i have X amount to spend,would you consider accepting this?'

People say the price is strong,fair enough as everyone is entitled to their opinion,but without seeing/driving the car,no-one can really appreciate what a good car it is and the time and care that's gone into it.
There's a lot of so called ?2k mk1's out there that i would only give ?500 for tbh, only my humble opinion though!!


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rgh7374 said

So…..wouldn't it make more sense for a prospective buyer to say ' i have X amount to spend,would you consider accepting this?'

why not stick it on ebay then, low start price, but put your reserve at what you'll be happy accepting
if it reaches your price in bid sthen yor happy
if it doesnt reach the reserve then at least you'll have an idea of what people want to pay at the moment…


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Ebay=Last resort!!!!!


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Think of Ebay as an advertising tool. It will get a lot of viewings that way and the chances are you will get someone to come and see it who will look to buy outside of ebay. Get the cash and then end the listing.

NB. You'd have to cancel it at least 12 hrs before the listing ends.



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I hear what you are saying about the price thing, but my budget is personal info to me - your item is public domain with your 'ideal' price attached.

If I say to you 'I have ?3.5k to spend - what do you think' and you say fine, where-as you would of accepted ?3.4k, then I have just spent ?100 more than i needed to.
Admitedly, it is best to go and look at the car and make an offer, but things are changing with people not wanting to haggle face to face, but secure a best price and, if it meets the budget, go and look and see if it is worth it.

As a seller, you need to be as open as possible to gain the confidence of a buyer. Cash can be used anywhere, but you have a specific item for sale that has a limited market.

Not saying this is right, but they are just my observations from both sides of the fence.

At the very least, your for sale thread is getting a lot more attention than it was!!   :dance:


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DubPartz said

Think of Ebay as an advertising tool. It will get a lot of viewings that way and the chances are you will get someone to come and see it who will look to buy outside of ebay. Get the cash and then end the listing.

NB. You'd have to cancel it at least 12 hrs before the listing ends.

thats what i was hinting at, but instead of cancelling, stick on a reserve


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Lawsy said

DubPartz said

Think of Ebay as an advertising tool. It will get a lot of viewings that way and the chances are you will get someone to come and see it who will look to buy outside of ebay. Get the cash and then end the listing.

NB. You'd have to cancel it at least 12 hrs before the listing ends.

thats what i was hinting at, but instead of cancelling, stick on a reserve

Best to cancel as the reserve may be reached/exceeded, the winner tries to make collection arrangements and then he's told it's already been sold. One unhappy bunny. I'd still put a reserve on though, just in case you computer goes on the blink !



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Sorry, didnt read yours proper first time  :banghead:  missed the bit about selling outside of the bay

i meant put the reserve on in case no buyers during auction time and to stop it selling for less…


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huw169 said

I hear what you are saying about the price thing, but my budget is personal info to me - your item is public domain with your 'ideal' price attached.

If I say to you 'I have ?3.5k to spend - what do you think' and you say fine, where-as you would of accepted ?3.4k, then I have just spent ?100 more than i needed to.
Admitedly, it is best to go and look at the car and make an offer, but things are changing with people not wanting to haggle face to face, but secure a best price and, if it meets the budget, go and look and see if it is worth it.

As a seller, you need to be as open as possible to gain the confidence of a buyer. Cash can be used anywhere, but you have a specific item for sale that has a limited market.

Not saying this is right, but they are just my observations from both sides of the fence.

At the very least, your for sale thread is getting a lot more attention than it was!!   :dance:

Well maybe i'm too old school……ring Auto Trader,woman comes round to take a picture of your car and takes down the description etc.etc.
People ring up,you have a chat,person comes to have a gander,agree on a price to suit both parties,job done!!!

Oh the good old days when nobody hid behind the internet!!! :(


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I agree..
I like a good haggle face to face, sucking in through the lips, 'tutting', nodding of the head - all that is part of the experiance.
Hope you get your buyer.


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So do I so just use ebay like the addmag/autotrader/exchange and mart. I don't believe many cars would be bought blind. People buying off are more likely to come and view the car prior to bidding and that's when you can seal the deal. The biggest problem in selling a car is getting people to view it. If it's a good one then they will see it for themselves and hopefully a deal can be struck.

God I sound like Mike Brewer ! :banghead:  :banghead:



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Sold a lot of stuff on ebay but never a just worries me a bit,thats why it will be the last resort. The risk of timewasters and dodgey bidders/buyers who mess you around,then you have to relist. This site was my first port of call for the simple fact i know it would get a good home to someone on here.


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Nice car, but as for this being the best place to sell this car…

Most of the people on here are fans of the car, and are more looking to get one that needs a bit of work, not too much, for a good price, so they can feel like it is their car, one they helped build.  

Buying such a well put together car sort of goes against that, although there are a large number of people who would like it, i feel most prefer to build up their own.

Just my opinions anyway..

<b>All opinions above are subject to change..</b>

'87 Mk1 Golf GTI Cabby

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