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Need to start.....

Ive got a 1.8 cab thats been standing for about 6 months and tried starting her but no luck, put new battery in and its trying to start but just no firing. What can i do to sort it and what can i check?


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Check your earth cable, they fuzz up making it hard to start, make sure your battery is full charged and dont rev it as much as you can help it.

Putting a bit of oil in the top may help, but it may have seized.  :dontknow:


Mk1 1457cc 5door GX '83


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If it was seized, how the hell would it turn over, and reving engine would not make slightest difference :roll:

Anyway, not being smart or anything, 1st is there any petrol in the tank, well you never know?
It sounsd like a fuel/timing issue bud, what is block you have bud, what carb has it got, have you checked for blockages in lines, fuel filter and inline fuel filter, is the carb filthy and jets blocked, make sure fuel is getting through.
Have you replaced filler neck, it tank suffering from rust which if original filler neck it will have, then you need to remove the sender unit and unblock the small filter.
Check the condition of distributor cap and rotor arm and leads to make sure she is sparking.
Is timing ok as far as your aware, have you just bought the car?
More you let me know, more we can do for you
If you were closer i would gladly come along, but your a tad too far fella
Pete :wink:


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ok. going of the info you have given.
i am assuming same as pedders that it is turning just not firing.
start with the simple
1, is there a spark
pull number one plug out. put it back in the plug cap and get a friend to try and start it.
if there is a spark then it's firing.
if there is'nt problem found.
check all high tension leads (including the one from the coil to the dizzy). check dizzy cap and rotor arm. check points and conderser if fitted. check coil is ok (test in the haynes manual is a good place to start) check low tension side.

2, is there fuel
do as pete has suggested

thats the basics. next your looking at timing


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Just checked you have an 87 1.6, original peirburg carburettor? and it should have electronic points on yours fella
Pete :wink:

Oh and this is an how-to for the fuel sender bud
The Mk1 Golf Owners Club


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cheers for that pete.
means that you dont need to check that bit but now need to check the wiring between the CDI and the distributor.


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hard the carb replaced last year not sure what to though, yeah its turning over no problem theres just no spark ill replace the plugs see if it works think ive got a set lying about somewhere
cheers all

Yeah sorry peddersgolf its another cab im on about its me mums one 1.8 same year though need to get it running as where moving house dont fancy trying to find a flatbed to move it lol


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plugs arn't usually at fault. have to checked for a spark or are you just assuming there is no spark.

changing the plug wont hurt though.


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Check your rotor arm bud and dizzy cap then, if rotor arm is burnt out and i have had it on a gl i had engine will turn over but obviously won't fire, checks connections to coil etc, Nova can help on that has leccy side of it reading currents etc i am not good at bud
Pete :wink:


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Do I need to explain why you don't over rev an engine that's been stood for 6 months? Possibly because there's no oil in the top of it and you run the risk of cracking a ring or worse.

I didn't see the bit where he said it tried to start, sorry about that.

I do wish you two would belt up though…….

It's more likely something electrical or damp or both IMO


Mk1 1457cc 5door GX '83


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Madferret said

Do I need to explain why you don't over rev an engine that's been stood for 6 months? Possibly because there's no oil in the top of it and you run the risk of cracking a ring or worse.

I didn't see the bit where he said it tried to start, sorry about that.

I do wish you two would belt up though…….

It's more likely something electrical or damp or both IMO

woo hang on a minute boy. you gave the wrong advice on this occassion.
now cool your boots.

oh and  6 months is no different to a week with regards to oil at the top of the engine. thats what an oil pump is for.

only thing you may get is a bit of condensation build up giving the usual cream in the top end after running.


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What wrong advice? And I never said it was worse than 6 weeks, did I now?

I'm perfectly cool as I'm not the one making critical comments I'm someone trying to help. I am human and I can make a mistake and if I do I don't need someone to make out I'm stupid (you can work that out for yourself) :lol:

Now to the problem please…….


Mk1 1457cc 5door GX '83


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Mad if your not sure what you are saying, best not posting
I am not prepared to bring this on the forum,  but yes of late your a pain the backside leaving snide childish comments on post when we are trying to help others, please dont tell me to belt up, my own kids wouldn't speak to me in that manner.
If you have a problem speak to mods or your welcome to come visit me


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To check for spark remove the HT lead and wedge a screwdriver (not too hard) so that it can spark to the chassis, step away from the car as it can jump onto you and it hurts, believe me you'll only do it once :)

Crank it over or better still get a friend to help, if theres no spark check the connections on the coil, remove the plug and make sure its not damp or covered in ?$%? :) Check the voltages to the coil (turn ignition on, dont crank it)

If you have spark there, put it back into the top of the distributor, then do the same for each lead, if your getting nothing its a rotor arm/distributor problem. If you have a spark then its not ignition problems.

Although you can check the timing I doubt it will have changed from the last time you drove the car, you've no points to fould up and no condensor to worry about, so it should be in the same condition you left it.

Thats about all for tonight I think.


Mk1 1457cc 5door GX '83


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Great all cheers for the advice thatl give me something to do tomrrow lol Sorry for causing the little dispute but it wasnt for nothing hopefully my cab will be running a treat


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No worries at all, you've nothing to be sorry about buddy :)


Mk1 1457cc 5door GX '83


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Not at all anything to do with you Euro we are here to help.
The mechanic above will solve your problems


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Utter sacrilege

Its utter sacrilege but my mum has decided to get rid of the car im sorry all for posting this but ive learnt a bit and managed to get it starting. So cheers all for that coz we havent got room for 2 cab's as i got a mk3 and my brother is getting a Morris minor we got to sacrifice. But cheers all anyway much appreciated.



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Glad you got it started buddy, shame about having to get rid of it though


Mk1 1457cc 5door GX '83
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