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Simple fact is, if people overvalue their car it rarely sells.



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The majority of the time that's true, but I remember that ad from not so long ago of the guy that put the red campaign (I think it was) up for sale, it had a couple of non-standard trim items fitted and everyone thought he was asking way too much, but he didn't have too big a problem selling it.

My point being, "overpriced" can largely be a matter of opinion  :dontknow:


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If 10 identical cars were to sell, 9 of them for ?2000 and 1 of them for ?2500, the person who bought the ?2500 car, if he knew, would be rightly miffed. (Equally the seller would feel overjoyed - or was that a bit guilty?) This tends not to happen in the trade because everyone looks up their values in the Glass's Guide and everyone does their business based on this, or the amount 'over' or 'under' book. Of course, all Glass's is doing is providing information (as a commercial service) to those who subscribe or buy their publications, or receive information feeds from them.

Glass's is experienced in determining the value of cars, yes they tend to deal mainly with popular ones so there is a lot of cars to choose from, when they do a 'spot check' of their prices. And they base it on mileage, condition (with good definitions), colour, optional extras, and of course its regularly updated so also time of year.

Almost all the motor trade buy the books or somehow otherwise subscribe (a lot of dealer's systems are linked in with it) so it proves there is a definite demand for this info.

On this forum too, there is a demand for this information, there have been many posts in the past where someone comes to sell their car and would like to know how much to ask for it. And also, it is undoubtedly useful for prospective buyers.

I guess that's the case FOR compiling a price guide for cabbys in the same way that there's one for hatchbacks.



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It is difficult to determine price on older cars as there are not many that are 100% standard and so this throws the figures out.
I think anyone who knows there mk1`s and has looked at a few knows what they would pay for one and there for you set your own price guide.There will always be people trying there arm and trying to sell for more than they know its worth but it has been said many times before that a car is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it on any given day.
Price guides have there place but they should not define what you sell YOUR car for.


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butler cant belive you sold it already :dontknow: . i paid 2200 for my sportline then spent another 1000 on it wouldnt let it go for less than 3k but wouldnt sell it as sportlines seem hard work to find looked at 3 before mine and they were the same money but rubbish .a black k reg seems good money at 2k as a starting block if the roof is ok etc just my view cheers


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Think i need to defend my corner,Firstly the owner of the car in question did till me over the phone that he thought the sportlines came with a differant suspension so i asked via this forum if this was right.I e-mailed the owner on several times and spoke to him on the phone and made a point of asking was there any rust or bubbling on the car,to which he replyed no,on seeing the car there was an area of 2CM BY 3CM at the side of the bonett catch which would needed cutting out in the opinion of the mechanic and body man that i had took with me,it was rusting just above the kit at the cill leval and going off what a post on here said "if it is showing signs of rust here then it will be a lot worse behind the kit.
There had been some filler on the passenger side rear panel and i had been told that it was "origional".There were more things but as i said in my post i just wish people could be honest with there discription,then when people come to see the car they wont complain.


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Can't argue with the small patch of rust next to the bonnet catch but otherwise, i'd say everything was as described. To my knowledge the car has never been repaired is original and shows no sign of rust anywhere else.

Regarding the suspension well again this is something that I have never said was different, we didn't even talk about it on the phone, you seem to have got your wires crossed somewhere.

Anyway I really don't believe I have to defend myself or the car any more and I'm more than happy for anyone to come and view.



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i paid ?1250 nearly a year ago for my sportline, it was on ebay for spares or repairs,it  needed a new roof and still does, three out of four corners scraped and a none runner and the bidding went mad in the last minute,there worth as much as somebody is willing to pay, the cabrio's seem to be more valuable when the sun is shining :mrgreen:
thought id got a bargain!!!! wish id bought a runner, but then again i wanted a project, and now im addicted :roll:
a vw is for life not just for christmas :wink:


Black 1992 gti cabrio sportline


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SOLD…Shaz from Westside came with the cash and took it away, I think both parties were happy with the deal.

Funnily enough, since I put more piccys up and lowered the price on Pistonheads I've had about 6 calls all serious buyers Two viewings yesterday both wanted it but only one with the cash.

Get the price right, take half decent pictures be honest and it should sell. Also I think the market starting to pick up, people are now looking for their summer cars.

Probably didn't need to lower the price and could of held out for another ?2-300 buy hey it's gone and I've got the cash to put back into the red on and buy a shotgun!


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I would just like to add, that the person we are talking about also came to look at my golf, i explained the condition of mine as much as you can over the phone, wet carpets, crunch into second, NO rust worth speaking about. If you call surface rust on the top of the engine block bad rust then I really just dont know what to say to that as it is a 19 yr old engine, its not going to look mint. And for the same guy to turn round and call me a liar and say my car is a wreck, well I think you need to lower your expections of what your looking at for the money you want to pay. If you want a mint mk1 cabby that is absolutely perfect, you wont get it for the money your wanting to pay. Sorry to jump into this post but its annoyed me and feel i need to say something as it seems your looking at alot of cars from here. Anyway, I've sold mine now, for the full asking price, to someone who appreciates a 19 yr old mk1 for what it is, and knows a nice one when they see it, thanks! :)

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