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Golf Cabrio on the road....


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Golf Cabrio on the road....


10+ years in the garage. and eventually It is back on the road.

Now Where do you start finding water leaks on a cabrio……..

or do I just deal with a water feature.???

Had to share…………..

get the bigger hammer. it always makes things better…..
Highland Regional host


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first thing is top pop the bonnet and look at the obvious  (pipes) follow the water sytem looking for water or limescale.  see what come up!

if you cant see any, start it up and have another look.

if that don't work you will need a profetional peice of kit to pump up your water system and find the leak.

hope this helps


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forgot to say I live in scotland ….

Rain is like daylight….. we all know it is comming just don't know when.

Wouldn't take the car out if it were leaking water from the engine….

get the bigger hammer. it always makes things better…..
Highland Regional host


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bpirie1000 said

forgot to say I live in scotland ….

Rain is like daylight….. we all know it is comming just don't know when.

Wouldn't take the car out if it were leaking water from the engine….


i get ya,
whats getting wet then?


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Mine leaked because the drain holes in the scuttle were blocked (little rubber bung things that drop down each side.)


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Mine's never leaked, but the scuttle drain holes need clearing about every other week as I live in a particularly leafy area  :roll:
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