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Declaring small mods


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Declaring small mods

Main point (title related):

Hi everyone just joined the forums! I'm 18yrs old looking at a 1.1 for my first car insurance quotes atm are looking very expensive especially with mods.

I was just wondering would you need to declare having banded steels (or could you play dumb if they pull you up on them in the case of a crash) and if I cut springs say by 30mm? I'd like to make some small mods to the stance of the car without it having to involve mods in the insurance. Also would the damper take a 3cm cut in the spring?

Extra help?:

As I'm 18 quotes are looking expensive atm, I've read the threads made by 17-19yr olds here and have got quotes from premium choice those were the same as i've found. I've also looked at Go Compare, Confused, Tesco comparison, moneysupermarket, direct line and a few others found in PVW. The cheapest always seems to be around 2.5k. I've tried myself as a named driver, mother (5yrs no claims) as main driver, myself only,  3rd party, 3rd fire and theft, and fully comp (fully comp looks to be the cheapest but it varies from insurer 3rd FT can be cheapest) I put a low annual mileage (5-7k). Is there anything else I can do to lower it? I need it for commuting so SDP only is out.

Thanks for reading.

Oh I'm waiting for a quote from adrianflux too.


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Definitely yes, for those 2 mods. Insurance assessors are great at spotting dodgy mods.



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Basically, declare all the mods and let them decide if its minor or not. I declared some of mine and it didn't affect the premium (over & above other mods):

Lightened flywheel
lower ratio gearbox
no bumpers



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Right well when I eventually find a good insurance quote I'll then include these into another quote and see if it'll effect the premium didn't even realise you'd have to declare no bumpers 8O hopefully that won't effect a quote for me too.


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Im paying ?1400 through lancasters for my 1.1 with coilovers, ashley exhaust and uprated brakes. My family does have about 4 cars insured with them already though and my dads on the policy. Give them a try though


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MattwA7X said

Right well when I eventually find a good insurance quote I'll then include these into another quote and see if it'll effect the premium didn't even realise you'd have to declare no bumpers 8O hopefully that won't effect a quote for me too.

Uprated brakes alone, will put the premium up!



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try putting your mum and/or dad on you insurance. your the main driver and them other drivers.

i used to do this on mine and it saved me a few hundred quid.

just worth a try..!!! :dontknow:



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Thanks everyone! I've tried Lancaster but that didn't work out cheap for me  :( Having no policies with them and probably it having to be parked on the street over night and occupations (I'm a student working part time at Morrisons my mum is a nurse so they are basically where a lot of cars are aka increased chance of a crash) are probably not helping.

Using my mum as a named driver rather than main has dropped premiums to ?212 a month (from 230) and 2.6 overall, 212 I'm happy with far from cheap but I don't think there is anything else I can do.

Once again thanks for the help, just have to start saving for the car and insurance deposit I guess.


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Is your car a gti then to be getting quites like that. cis insurance used to be cheap for young drivers, i think quinn direct are cheap for young drivers.

If its a gti would it not be cheaper to sell it and get a 1.1

cheers kenno


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admiral were cheap for me as a youth but i didn't tell them bout mods!!!

at one point i have my mum + dad + brother all on my insurance to make it cheaper and it made a massive difference.



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Kenno said

Is your car a gti then to be getting quites like that. cis insurance used to be cheap for young drivers, i think quinn direct are cheap for young drivers.

If its a gti would it not be cheaper to sell it and get a 1.1

cheers kenno

He says it's a 1.1 mate, does appear to be a bit steep though. As for Adrian Flux if you get a quote and decide to go with it, paid members do get a healthy discount so it's worth joining up as up to 10% of your insurance premium will be way more than the ?15 joining fee.

Oh and declare everything mate. No sense in trying it on. If you have an accident, even if it's knock-for-knock and mods are spotted, you could be left with nothing but a headache.

Declare and have fun in your new ride.



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Re: Declaring small mods

MattwA7X said

Main point (title related):

Hi everyone just joined the forums! I'm 18yrs old looking at a 1.1 for my first car insurance quotes atm are looking very expensive especially with mods.

I was just wondering would you need to declare having banded steels (or could you play dumb if they pull you up on them in the case of a crash) and if I cut springs say by 30mm? I'd like to make some small mods to the stance of the car without it having to involve mods in the insurance. Also would the damper take a 3cm cut in the spring?

Extra help?:

As I'm 18 quotes are looking expensive atm, I've read the threads made by 17-19yr olds here and have got quotes from premium choice those were the same as i've found. I've also looked at Go Compare, Confused, Tesco comparison, moneysupermarket, direct line and a few others found in PVW. The cheapest always seems to be around 2.5k. I've tried myself as a named driver, mother (5yrs no claims) as main driver, myself only,  3rd party, 3rd fire and theft, and fully comp (fully comp looks to be the cheapest but it varies from insurer 3rd FT can be cheapest) I put a low annual mileage (5-7k). Is there anything else I can do to lower it? I need it for commuting so SDP only is out.

Thanks for reading.

Oh I'm waiting for a quote from adrianflux too.

Welcome mate!
Have you had your quote back from us (at Adrian Flux) yet mate?

Influx competition - There are twenty cars or bits of cars, all you have to do is get all twenty right and you can win ?250 for you and ?250 for charity!  Follow the link and have a go Guess the Car Competition | Influx Magazine


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Re: Declaring small mods


MattwA7X said

Main point (title related):

Hi everyone just joined the forums! I'm 18yrs old looking at a 1.1 for my first car insurance quotes atm are looking very expensive especially with mods.

I was just wondering would you need to declare having banded steels (or could you play dumb if they pull you up on them in the case of a crash) and if I cut springs say by 30mm? I'd like to make some small mods to the stance of the car without it having to involve mods in the insurance. Also would the damper take a 3cm cut in the spring?

Extra help?:

As I'm 18 quotes are looking expensive atm, I've read the threads made by 17-19yr olds here and have got quotes from premium choice those were the same as i've found. I've also looked at Go Compare, Confused, Tesco comparison, moneysupermarket, direct line and a few others found in PVW. The cheapest always seems to be around 2.5k. I've tried myself as a named driver, mother (5yrs no claims) as main driver, myself only,  3rd party, 3rd fire and theft, and fully comp (fully comp looks to be the cheapest but it varies from insurer 3rd FT can be cheapest) I put a low annual mileage (5-7k). Is there anything else I can do to lower it? I need it for commuting so SDP only is out.

Thanks for reading.

Oh I'm waiting for a quote from adrianflux too.

Welcome mate!
Have you had your quote back from us (at Adrian Flux) yet mate?

Dan, can you fill us in on what an insurance company would do if it were obliged to pay out a large claim, and it turned out there were undeclared mods. Cheers.



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Hey just managed to get some time on the PC, I don't own a Golf as of yet I'm at a stage where I'm considering either a bike (dirt cheap) and a Mk1 Golf. I've just got a quote from Adrianflux and that came back at ?2025 easily the cheapest for me. I discovered that its probably my address that is bumping up the costs, tried a quote at my Dad's postcode (small village in the east midlands) and it came down a lot.

So now it is just license and car, 2 months which to me isn't a long way off.


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Regardless of how 'slight' the modification maybe, I would always declare it. If you don't then you run the risk of any claim being slowed down or possibly non-indemnified. It could also result in your policy being cancelled or voided.  :(

Influx competition - There are twenty cars or bits of cars, all you have to do is get all twenty right and you can win ?250 for you and ?250 for charity!  Follow the link and have a go Guess the Car Competition | Influx Magazine


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Cheers Dan. This general article, might be of interest to people:…dd-8b30-000077b07658.html



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Let's hope they catch all the people who don't declare mods so we can have cheaper insurance. I'm off to declare my change of Magic Tree from Vanilla to Pine Fresh.



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dubboy, dont forget to declare the serial number of the magic tree as well!  :lol:

Influx competition - There are twenty cars or bits of cars, all you have to do is get all twenty right and you can win ?250 for you and ?250 for charity!  Follow the link and have a go Guess the Car Competition | Influx Magazine


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dub boy, premium will rocket, it always does when you 'spruce'  up a car….. :roll:

Mk1 2l TSR G60.  .getting. There twice as fast

Mk1 lhd diesel…….getting. There for half the cost


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Hi There,

Just trying to get insurance at the moment. Car is a 76 1.1 golf with a 1.3 G40 engine in and stilauto wheels - how do I declare these? Is it as a 1.3 engine or a 1.3 G40? Confused….can anyon help?
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