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New girl/ question about steel wheels & filler neck


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New girl/ question about steel wheels & filler neck

Greetings Mk1 friends, I'm new on here and wanted to say hi. I'm the proud owner of a 1991 Golf Clipper cab and love my car 'Jef' very much. I've had him for almost eight years and bought him in mint condition from another lady owner who'd had him from new. So, he's a lucky old boy to have only had two very careful lady owners! Me and Jef have got many happy memories together!

He still runs like a dream but I could do with now spending a little bit of money on him. He deserves it…he is totally original and has never been modified at all. I have lost 1 of the hub cap covers(the bit in the middle?) and was wondering where on earth I would begin to find one (or even 4 new ones?). Can anyone help? They are the ones with circles around the edge..

I also had an issue in the past with the filler neck rusting and the rust blocking the fuel system, causing the car to chug and then eventually stop altogether. I had to replace both the filler neck and get a new fuel tank. Is this a common problem does anyone know? Recently it has started to 'chug' a bit again…I'm thinking I might need to get another new filler neck. Anyone advise me?

Well, any help would be much appreciated. I am a novice on all things to do with cars to be honest…very girly!
Merry christmas to you all,
Jef's owner.


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Fuel filler neck is a common issue. It might still have remnants of rust/dirt in the system, depending on how well it was cleaned out when you did the job last time.



Back to the top dan,just got myself a gti cabby and am like you dont really know to much,i think filler neck is a common problem,get pic up as well people may be able to help more with your wheel question,here is a pic of gladys


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hi jefs owner welcome along to the site.

:cheer:  I've got my husband back :cheer:


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Thanks for your replies. I'll get a picture up asap.


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Welcome to the site!

I hope you find it as useful as we have!




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Hi everyone, here's a picture of Jef. Should I maybe ask my questions about the wheels & filler neck over in another thread also?


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Jef yes, please try and keep the subjects forum specific. Saves us shifting stuff around and makes for a better chance of getting an answer sooner.

T :wink:


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Hi and welcome to the site please have a look at the following link

The Mk1 Golf Owners Club

hope you can make it to a meet some time

please put your location in your profile, makes it easier for us to point you in the right direction of a meet near to you :D

Dont ask what your club can do for you, but what can you do for your club?


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Hi there, please could you tell me how to put in my location…I am possibly being really stupid but when I go to my profile I can see that location (and other options are empty) but I can't click on the to update them? Help!


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Go to Forum Settings in the left-hand menu and it's the ninth option down. Don't forget to click on save which you will find located further down the page just under the option to change your password.



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hi !!i had the same problem with my cab replaced the same parts then had to get the rest of the system cleaned out as well. as for your wheel centre put a post in the wanted section someone will have one lying around and people are always breaking cabs on here. not got a clue how to how to do location either!!
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